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COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Sustainable living

    Region Forward

    We need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions if we want to avoid the worst effects of climate change. That’s fairly straight forward and is a tangible measurable target in Region Forward. The current constraints on our nation’s and our region’s energy production however means that we’ll still be relying on fossil fuels for a large (but hopefully declining) portion of our energy for quite some time. With that said how do we mitigate the effects of our consumption?

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Take a long-term perspective on budget spending decisions

    Region Forward

    We just went through a major recession and we’re still trying to determine whether this economic recovery is actually going to be sustainable or if we’re not really out of the woods yet. We’re in the midst of a major debate on spending and budget deficits. Politics aside it’s a valid discussion to be had just as Region Forward promotes environmental sustainability fiscal sustainability is also important as long knee-jerk decisions aren’t made that end up with negative consequences in the lo​

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Waiting for a technological genie?

    Region Forward

    We’ve discussed the evolution and future of “smart growth” many times at The Morning Measure most recently in early February where we talked about the rise of the term “intelligent cities” as an alternative to smart growth. This nominal change seems to be more than a matter of semantics and as we indicated in February could have both positive and negative implications for the planning process. While we were concerned more with the loss of a period for reflection in decision-making that th

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Region Forward is a catalyst against complacency

    Region Forward

    “To stay ahead the Washington area must think regionally.” That was the headline of a recent piece by Lisa Rother in the Washington Business Journal on the region’s future. As the headline indicates the piece is a call for unity which is necessary in a region composed of two states the District and 21 local governments.

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Great cities need to be areas of opportunity upward mobilization

    Region Forward

    Joel Kotkin is an author and scholar on urban land-use issues and a supporter of the proliferation of automobile-oriented sprawl an unsustainable pattern of development. This often places his priorities counter to those of Region Forward. However in a recent piece for Metropolis Magazine Kotkin makes a case that we here at The Morning Measure can agree with: premier cities need to be more inclusive and provide greater opportunities for advancement.

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: RF CliffsNotes for January and February

    Region Forward

    From debating the merits of skyscrapers to debating how to best allocate funds as austerity grips local state and federal leaders we’ve covered a lot of topics lately at The Yardstick and it’s been awhile since our previous post round-up so here are some of the highlights of topics covered in January and February:

  • Region Forward Blog

    Global Fridays: Is it time for “shock” ads on air quality in cities around the world?

    Region Forward

    There’s an ad campaign that’s been running on the New York City Subway for awhile featuring somewhat grotesque images of liquid fat being poured into common sugary drinks like soda and “fruit” punch. The message is purposefully graphic to get the point across: obesity is a major problem and simply cutting out these empty calories is a good start to shedding excess weight.

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