
There are a number of ways to keep informed about COG, its members, and programs. The Newsroom feed lists news releases and highlights as well as TPB News articles. A variety of content is also available through digital subscriptions.  

For story ideas, data inquiries, and to connect with officials and subject matter experts, reporters should contact the Office of Communications. For questions about TPB News, please contact the Department of Transportation Planning.

COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • Region Forward Blog

    Leaders Get to Work Strengthening Purple Line Communities

    A schematic of the future Purple Line corridor.

    “The Purple Line is going to be built” pronounced Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett to a room of over 250 locally elected civic and community leaders gathered at a workshop at the University of Maryland on March 21 to discuss community development challenges and opportunities along the region’s first rail line that will travel exclusively between Activity Centers outside of the District of Columbia. The Purple Line illustrates how our region has evolved from a “mono-centric” region wi​

  • News Highlight

    COG Seeking Applications for New Climate and Energy Leadership Awards

    At its March 2014 meeting, COG's Climate Energy and Environment Policy Committee (CEEPC) officially launched a new awards program to recognize and encourage public agencies, non-governmental organizations and stakeholders in their efforts to achieve local and regional climate and energy goals.

  • News Release

    Mary Anne McKown Named Managing Director, National Capital Region Program Management Office

    Mary Anne McKown, a manager with more than 22 years of experience, 14 of which included leading homeland security and emergency management projects, has been selected as the Managing Director of the National Capital Region's Homeland Security Program Management Office (PMO.) The PMO was established last fall to coordinate and direct homeland security programs for the National Capital Region. The PMO will be housed at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

  • TPB News

    Staff of Local Elected Officials Participate in Two-Day Community Leadership Institute

    On March 13 and March 19, the Transportation Planning Board welcomed more than a dozen staff of local elected officials from across the region to the latest session of the TPB's Community Leadership Institute, or CLI. The two-day workshop engaged participants in experiential learning activities and group discussions to better understand how transportation decisions are made throughout the Washington region, including at the local, state, and regional levels. This was the twelfth CLI session sinc​

  • Region Forward Blog

    New Publication Highlights Regional Strategies to End Homelessness


    In one of the country’s most competitive and high cost housing markets it is essential that local government play a role in ending homelessness on the local and regional level. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) released a report highlighting the adoption and use of 10 Year Plans to End Homelessness by our region’s jurisdictions. The 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness model was first proposed by the National Alliance to End Homelessness a non-profit organization based in W​

  • TPB News

    11 Major Projects Submitted for Inclusion in 2014 CLRP Update

    Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia have submitted 11 major projects to be included in this year's update to the region’s Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan, known as the CLRP. The CLRP is a collection of hundreds of regionally significant projects and programs that the local, state, and regional transportation agencies in the Washington area expect to be able to afford to build or implement by 2040. The Transportation Planning Board updates the plan annually to include new ​

  • Region Forward Blog

    Q&A: Paul Quander District of Columbia Deputy Mayor of Public Safety and Justice

    A Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer and a young DC resident. Deputy Mayor Quander oversees MPD. Photo courtesy of MPD.

    Paul Quander is the appointed Deputy Mayor of Public Safety and Justice of the District of Columbia. The Deputy Mayor has had a long career in litigation civil service and criminal justice. As Deputy Mayor Mr. Quander oversees a wide array of public safety services including the Metropolitan Police Department Fire Department Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and an array of other public safety bodies for the District of Columbia. He is a native of the District and a proud r​

  • Region Forward Blog

    Officials Experts: Now's the Time to Prepare for Additional 1.6 Million People 1.3 Million Jobs


    Growth. It’s one of the region’s most important issues so it’s not surprising that it was once again front-and-center at the March 2014 COG Board of Directors meeting. Area leaders approved a new round of long-range forecasts discussed economic trends with one of the region’s leading experts and kicked off a new information and policy series on the infrastructure needed to support and sustain the coming people and jobs.

  • Region Forward Blog

    West Virginia Spill Calls Attention to Water Safety for DC Area Officials Residents

    National Guardsman loading a truck with cases of bottled water during the contamination event. Photo by the U.S. National Guard.

    COG staff spoke with a reporter from WAMU on their experience in West Virginia described in the blog below. Click here to read and listen to the story on the spill response and aftermath which aired on June 6 2014.

  • TPB News

    Work Underway to Develop List of Key Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Near Underutilized Rail Transit Stations

    Twenty-five underutilized Metrorail or commuter rail stations in the Washington region will be the focus of the second phase of a Transportation Planning Board study looking for ways to take greater advantage of unused capacity in the region's existing rail transit system. The study will identify key pedestrian and bicycle improvements near each of the 25 stations to improve access to nearby employment sites, or to make it easier for transit-dependent people who live nearby to reach rail station​

Results: 2082 Articles found.