
There are a number of ways to keep informed about COG, its members, and programs. The Newsroom feed lists news releases and highlights as well as TPB News articles. A variety of content is also available through digital subscriptions.  

For story ideas, data inquiries, and to connect with officials and subject matter experts, reporters should contact the Office of Communications. For questions about TPB News, please contact the Department of Transportation Planning.

COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • TPB News

    2015 CLRP Update to Focus on Addressing Region's Top Needs

    Reducing congestion on roadways and transit systems. Providing high-quality transportation options between and within mixed-use Activity Centers. Reducing vehicle-related emissions of harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases.

  • News Highlight

    COG Leaders Talk Air Quality and Transportation on Comcast Newsmakers

    On Comcast Newsmakers, Falls Church Vice Mayor David Snyder (pictured left), who serves as Chairman of the Metropolitan Air Quality Committee at COG, discusses air quality progress as well as ways the region and its residents can further reduce pollution and enhance public health. On a separate show, Nicholas Ramfos, COG's Director of Alternate Commute Programs, discussed Commuter Connections and alternative ways to commute in the region.

  • News Highlight

    Rockville Mayor Bridget Donnell Newton

    Metropolitan Washington is home to Activity Centers and engaged local leaders. Hear Rockville, Maryland Mayor Bridget Donnell Newton speak about the vibrancy of Rockville Town Square and the future of land use and transportation planning for her city.

  • News Release

    Council of Governments Response to Newly Proposed EPA Ozone Standard

    The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is carefully evaluating the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposal to strengthen standards to address ground-level ozone pollution. These proposed standards would better protect the health and welfare of residents of the National Capital Region. Although this region has made tremendous progress in improving its air quality over several decades, the proposed regulations will require additional steps to control harmful emissions.​

  • TPB News

    Researchers Identify Busiest Times, Roadways for Thanksgiving-Week Drivers

    Using newly available, minute-by-minute traffic information from one recent Thanksgiving, researchers at the Transportation Planning Board have identified the busiest times and roadways that Washington area drivers might expect during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Knowing when and where the worst congestion might occur can help both travelers and transportation agencies avoid or manage the worst impacts.

  • Region Forward Blog

    More Activity in Activity Centers: Coalition Focuses on Public Health and Placemaking

    Dr. Mark Fenton speaks to everyday exercise and built-in mobility for the region's Activity Centers at the October Region Forward Coalition meeting.

    Officials planners and stakeholders need to consider public health when making decisions about land use transportation and other infrastructure according to Dr. Mark Fenton who spoke at the October meeting of the Region Forward Coalition. Fenton a Tufts University professor spoke to “landscaping a social ecology for health” which includes planning communities with walkable retail public sidewalks bike infrastructure and safe facilities for all age groups.

  • News Highlight

    Regional Reports on Housing Provide Lessons for Future Policy

    At its November meeting, the COG Board of Directors focused on two recent regional housing reports, Joining Forces to Combat Foreclosure: A Look Back at the Capital Area Foreclosure Network and Housing Security in the Washington Region .

  • News Release

    Street Smart Campaign Urges Increased Attention on Roadways

    As Daylight Saving Time ends, local officials look to reduce crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists during darker months. Representatives from COG, the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, kicked off the fall campaign on November 7 at Sherman Avenue and Euclid Street in Washington, D.C.

  • Region Forward Blog

    The PicMe Project: COG's Newest Foster Care Adoption Initiative

    Support the PicMe Project today!

    November is National Adoption Month. It is an annual campaign to increase public awareness of the half million children who are waiting to be adopted from foster care across the country.

Results: 2082 Articles found.