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COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • TPB News

    "Call for Projects" Kicks Off Annual Update to Region's Transportation Plan

    It's time again for transportation agencies in the Washington region to identify new projects or programs to include in the region's constrained long-range transportation plan, or CLRP, which goes out to the year 2040, or in the six-year transportation improvement program, known as the TIP.

  • TPB News

    New Federal Ozone Standard Requires Emissions Forecasts for 2015

    This fall, the Transportation Planning Board will forecast vehicle-related emissions of ozone-forming pollutants in the Washington region for the year 2015. The forecasts are required under a new, more stringent federal standard for ground-level ozone concentrations that was first proposed in 2008 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and finalized in May of this year.

  • TPB News

    TIGER Grant Helping to Build Region's First BRT Line

    NOTE: The information in this article was accurate as of the date of publication. Specific details about routing and scheduling may have changed slightly since that time. Be sure to check for the latest information.

  • TPB News

    Telework Continues to Gain Popularity as Technology Advances, Employers Grant More Flexibility

    More than 600,000 people in the Washington region telework "at least occasionally" and another 500,000 say they "could and would" work remotely if given the opportunity, according to the results of a 2010 Transportation Planning Board survey of commuters' travel patterns. That's nearly half of the region's 2010 workforce of around 2.4 million people.

  • TPB News

    Task Force to Ask: "Can 'Bus-on-Shoulder' Work in the Washington Region?"

    More express and local transit buses that operate on the region's highways could eventually, in select locations and under certain traffic conditions, be allowed to use shoulders to bypass especially bad congestion in regular travel lanes if a new task force set up by the Transportation Planning Board finds that it would be safe, practical, and advantageous to do so.

  • TPB News

    Transportation Priorities Plan Needed to Make Region's Economy Stronger, More Competitive

    A current Transportation Planning Board effort to identify the region's top transportation infrastructure needs and ways to pay for those improvements is, according to a report released last week by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, one of five key ways the Washington region can help make its economy stronger and more competitive.

  • TPB News

    Detailed Traffic Information Helps Explain "Back-to-School" Jump in Travel Delays

    This time next week, many travelers who use the region's freeways may be facing another significant "back-to-school" jump in congestion-related travel delays, following two months -- July and August -- that usually bring a temporary reduction in traffic back-ups in the Washington region.

  • TPB News

    Washington Region to Join World in Celebrating Car Free Day on Saturday, Sept. 22

    Carpool to the game. Ride Metro to a museum. Bike or walk to the grocery store. Combine errands. These are just a few of the ways that organizers of the Washington area's 2012 Car Free Day -- scheduled for Saturday, September 22 -- say people can reduce or eliminate their use of private automobiles in celebration of the diversity of transportation modes available in the region.

Results: 430 Articles found.