
There are a number of ways to keep informed about COG, its members, and programs. The Newsroom feed lists news releases and highlights as well as TPB News articles. A variety of content is also available through digital subscriptions.  

For story ideas, data inquiries, and to connect with officials and subject matter experts, reporters should contact the Office of Communications. For questions about TPB News, please contact the Department of Transportation Planning.

COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • TPB News

    TPB Selects 15 Local Projects to Receive Federal "Transportation Alternatives" Dollars

    Fifteen local transportation projects in the Washington region will receive funding under a new, consolidated federal program aimed at supporting projects that expand travel choices like bicycling and walking, or that make other enhancements like mitigating the environmental impacts of transportation facilities.

  • TPB News

    Action Taken to Update Region's Long-Range Transportation Plan

    The Transportation Planning Board in July approved 20 major roadway or bicycle and pedestrian projects in Virginia and the District of Columbia to add to the region's constrained long-range transportation plan, or CLRP.

  • TPB News

    TPB Seeking Public Comment on Draft Regional Transportation Priorities Plan

    Between now and August 23, stakeholders, advocacy groups, and interested members of the general public are invited to review and comment on the Transportation Planning Board's draft Regional Transportation Priorities Plan, the culmination of a multi-year effort to identify the best strategies for addressing the region's most pressing transportation challenges.

  • TPB News

    Nine New Projects to Advance Better Coordination of Transportation and Land-Use

    Nine local jurisdictions in the Washington region will receive technical assistance under the Transportation Planning Board's Transportation/Land-Use Connections Program for projects that strive to enable transportation systems and development patterns to support one another more effectively. The TLC Program has, over the years, provided technical assistance for projects that explore everything from ways to promote transit-oriented development to making roadways safer for cyclists and pedestrian​

  • TPB News

    Federal Government Leading Continued Growth in Teleworking in the Washington Region

    More of the Washington region's workforce is working from home or from remote work centers than ever before, according to the most recent "State of the Commute" survey conducted by Commuter Connections, a program of the Transportation Planning Board. The survey included telephone interviews with 6,335 residents of the Washington region.

  • TPB News

    Traffic-Related Delays Down Between 2010 and 2012, Study Finds

    Washington area drivers are encountering less traffic and spending less time stuck in it, according to a recent Transportation Planning Board study that found significant declines in travel delay on area roads between 2010 and 2012.

  • TPB News

    Region's Population Still Rising, But Driving Isn't

    Between 2005 and 2011, the Washington region's population swelled by nearly 350,000 people to around 5.1 million -- an increase of 7.3%. But during the same time, total daily driving on area roadways saw almost no change, holding more or less steady at around 110 million vehicle-miles a day.

Results: 430 Articles found.