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COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • TPB News

    Updated "Cooperative Forecasts" Will Feed Analyses of 2015 CLRP Update

    Before the Transportation Planning Board votes later this year to approve an annual update to the region's Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP), including six major additions and changes, it will conduct two detailed analyses, one that forecasts future changes in travel patterns under the proposed update, and another that quantifies the air quality impacts of those changes.

  • TPB News

    Public Seeks VDOT Committment to Non-Driving Options in I-66 Express Lanes Proposals

    NOTE: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that a majority of public comments received on the I-66 proposal sought more details and greater commitments from VDOT related to the multimodal aspects of the proposed projects. Many, though not a majority, of the comments expressed such sentiments.​

  • TPB News

    Jerry Miller to Retire After 25 Years Serving COG and the TPB

    In 1989, the Washington region was growing quickly, with new and mounting demands being placed on its transportation system. Funding was tight, and planners and elected officials at the Transportation Planning Board were looking for ways to do more with less. In December of that year, a successful national policy researcher from the Urban Institute named Jerry Miller joined the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to serve its department of transportation planning and the TPB.

  • TPB News

    TPB Appoints Citizens Advisory Committee Members for 2015

    The Transportation Planning Board recently approved the appointments of 15 members -- five each from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia -- to serve on its Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) for the coming year. It also appointed eight alternate members.

  • TPB News

    Pace of Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Implementation Picking Up

    The pace of planning and implementing significant bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the Washington region has picked up in recent years, according to a major four-year update of the region's Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, adopted by the Transportation Planning Board last week.

  • TPB News

    I-66 Tolling, Dedicated Bike Lanes in the District Slated for 2015 CLRP Update

    Several major new additions or changes to the region's Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP), including proposals to toll portions of I-66 in Virginia and to expand the District's dedicated bike-lane network, are now available for public comment through February 14.

  • TPB News

    TPB Staff Showcase Innovations at National Transportation Conference

    Last April, the Transportation Planning Board’s Commuter Connections program debuted new mobile apps making it possible for thousands of Washington area commuters to find carpool partners in their area using web-enabled smartphones or tablets.

Results: 430 Articles found.