News Highlight

Officials highlight regional coordination on Metro budget

Feb 7, 2024

As regional leaders make progress helping address Metro’s looming budget deficit for FY 2025, area officials and COG staff have continued actively promoting the transit system’s value and highlighting the ongoing coordination to identify and advance actions to ensure the system’s financial sustainability.   

Following the release of the COG Workgroup report on Metro’s budget in December, COG Executive Director Clark Mercer has discussed the regional workgroup’s recommendations with a variety of media outlets like Fox 5 and WMAL, print and online news outlets, as well as in an appearance on WAMU’s The Politics Hour with Kojo Nnamdi. He has spoken about COG’s work convening local and state officials and regional partners to conduct an independent assessment of the transit system’s financial situation and help build consensus and inform policymakers about actions that reflect strong regional support.

The following are some of the stories on Metro’s budget that feature or reference COG’s report and coordination work:

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