TPB News

New Local Technical Assistance Programs Searchable Database archives TPB planning and design projects

Nov 7, 2023
2nd Street NE Washington, DC

2nd Street NE, Washington, DC (Center TotalHealth/Flickr)


Elected officials, transportation professionals, TPB committee members, researchers, advocates, and interested community members now have the opportunity to find and read TPB Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC), Regional Roadway Safety Program (RRSP), and Transit Within Reach (TWR) reports using the new Local Technical Assistance Programs Searchable Database. The database will be updated as new projects are completed.

TPB’s TLC program has been supporting counties, cities, and towns in the region since the first round of projects was completed almost 17 years ago. TLC continues to provide short-term consultant services for small planning, design, or preliminary engineering studies with a focus on promoting mixed-use, walkable communities and transportation alternatives.

The Regional Roadway Safety Program was established in 2020 to provide short-term consultant services to assist TPB member jurisdictions with planning or preliminary engineering projects that address roadway safety and lead to a reduction in fatal and serious injury crashes on area roadways.

Transit Within Reach funds design and preliminary engineering projects to help improve bike and walk connections to existing high-capacity transit stations or stations that will open to riders by 2030. Example projects include cost estimates of improvements, engineering systems description and analysis, preliminary or schematic drawings with site plans and elevations, renderings, and site surveys.

Database filters enable users to search for projects by jurisdiction, program type (for example, bicycle and pedestrian, Complete Streets, and parking), and project year. Users may click on the report link to read or download the final reports in PDF format.


For more information on the TLC or TWR programs, contact John Swanson at or (202) 962-3295. For information on RRSP, contact Janie Nham at or (202) 962-3226.

Related Resources

Looking for similar databases on the COG website? You may be interested in the Regional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Searchable Database or the Inflation Reduction Act Searchable Database

Contact: Rachel Beyerle
Phone: (202) 962-3237
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