The following is a statement by Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) Board of Directors Chair Kate Stewart in response to the impending federal government shutdown. Stewart is a Montgomery County Councilmember.
“A government shutdown will have a direct, detrimental, and oversized impact on all of metropolitan Washington. Nearly 400,000 area residents serve the federal government, our region’s largest employer.
“This looming economic disruption will reach far into our communities, affecting individuals, families, and the small businesses that serve this sizable workforce.
“A shutdown also threatens recent gains we have made, particularly as the nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, COG’s growth forecasts showed we are on track for steady growth in the region; our transit agencies, like Metro, continue to show ridership gains; and the Biden Administration has been advancing efforts to increase employees’ in-person office schedules. A federal shutdown now jeopardizes the progress we have made.
“The need doesn’t disappear when Congress holds funding hostage, but instead transfers to localities. Our local governments and community partners stand ready to assist as we anticipate increased need in our region, and we call on Congress to end tactics that offer no solutions and jeopardize the livelihoods and welfare of our residents and communities.”