News Release

Join the movement towards a greener future, take the pledge and go car free with Commuter Connections

Sep 14, 2023

Get ready to ditch your car and embrace more sustainable mobility as Car Free Day approaches! Commuter Connections invites metropolitan Washington to participate in this meaningful event on Friday, September 22, 2023. Embark on your eco-conscious journey by choosing to walk, bike, carpool, take public transportation, or work from home and be part of helping our streets become cleaner and greener community spaces. 

Car Free Day is more than just a one-day event; it's a catalyst for change, urging residents and commuters to rethink their transportation habits and prioritize more sustainable travel options. As we collectively reduce our reliance on automobiles, we pave the way for a healthier and more livable environment. 

To mark the occasion, Commuter Connections is offering enticing incentives to encourage participation. Take the pledge to go car free or car lite and receive a $30 Nift Gift credit to support local businesses, along with 50% off orders at All About Burger, and a free day pass to Capital Bikeshare on Car Free Day. Moreover, you'll be automatically entered into a raffle for exciting prizes, including a Samsung Galaxy tablet, gift cards, and more. 

"Car Free Day is a celebration of our collective commitment to building a more sustainable transportation system," remarked Nicholas Ramfos, Director of Commuter Connections. "By embracing alternative commuting and travel options, we not only reduce traffic congestion but also contribute to cleaner air and a healthier planet. We invite everyone to join us in this transformative movement and make a positive impact on our region's future." 

Taking the free pledge is a breeze. Simply visit and make your commitment to a greener commute. Stay connected with the latest updates by following @CarFreeMetroDC on Facebook and Twitter. Also, use the official hashtag #CarFreeDay to share your experiences. 

Car Free Day is an invitation to envision a brighter future for our metropolitan Washington region.

MORE: Are You Ready To Take The Pledge?

Contact: Amanda Lau
Phone: (202)9623250
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