News Release

COG releases draft Fair Housing Plan for metropolitan Washington, seeks public comment

Jan 31, 2023

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is seeking comment on its Regional Fair Housing Plan, which includes an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice across the region and provides strategies to increase access to safe and affordable housing, increase investment and resources in priority areas, and create more inclusive communities.

All state and local governments receiving funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) must submit a fair housing plan. This regional Fair Housing Plan marks the first time in 25 years that local jurisdictions have joined together to create a joint plan for metropolitan Washington. The following jurisdictions developed the plan with COG: City of Alexandria, VA; Arlington County, VA; the District of Columbia; Fairfax County, VA; City of Gaithersburg, MD; Loudoun County, VA; Montgomery County, MD; and Prince William County, VA.

The regional planning process identified several overarching challenges to fair housing in the region, including a loss of affordable housing in the last decade, limited accessibility to transit options, and discriminatory practices that keep members of protected classes from buying a home. To reduce housing discrimination, reverse patterns of racial segregation, and improve access to opportunity for all current and future residents, the participating COG jurisdictions outlined a set of goals and strategies in the plan:

  • Increase the supply of affordable housing for families earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the region – especially where there hasn’t been any.
  • Change zoning and land use policies to expand access to fair housing. Increase the development, geographic distribution, and supply of affordable housing.
  • Implement policies to preserve affordable housing and prevent displacement of residents. Keep the same number of existing affordable rental units in our region.
  • Increase the number of homeowners in the region and reduce the unequal treatment and discriminatory practices that keep members of protected classes from buying a home.
  • Protect the housing rights of individuals who are part of protected groups. For example, people of color, those with disabilities, and seniors.
  • Increase community integration and reduce housing barriers for people with disabilities.
  • Make public transit easier to access and afford for members of protected classes.

Community participation was a significant cornerstone of the plan’s development, with over 1,200 agencies, groups, and individuals involved in the Regional Fair Housing Plan process between July 2021 and March 2022. In a survey of nearly 3,000 area residents, approximately 84 percent reported having difficulty accessing safe, affordable housing. The survey also found that 13 percent of respondents said they have faced discrimination; of them, 41 percent blamed landlords or property managers.

The analysis conducted revealed significant differences between jurisdictions in the extent and nature of each of these barriers to fair housing. These include access to high-performing schools, the presence of ethnically diverse low-income communities, and the percentage of homeownership.


Additionally, Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia each have their own fair housing laws that add protections beyond federal law. Through a regional lens, participating jurisdictions developed joint priorities with locally focused strategies that reflect the unique issues and challenges presented in individual communities.

A 60-day public comment period will run from January 31 – March 31.

More: Draft Metropolitan Washington Regional Fair Housing Plan Public Comment Form

Contact: Lindsey Martin
Phone: (202) 962-3209
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