News Release

Transportation Planning Board elects Charles County's Reuben B. Collins II to serve as 2023 Chair

Dec 21, 2022
2023 TPB Officers

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved its slate of officers for 2023 at its monthly meeting today, electing Reuben B. Collins II, President of the Charles County Board of County Commissioners, to serve as TPB Chair.

Collins, who has served as TPB Vice-Chair since 2021, will be the first representative from Charles County to serve as Chair on the board.

“I am honored to have been selected by my peers on the TPB to serve as its chair in 2023. As the first Charles County official to serve in this position, I will work to ensure all voices—from those living in the core of our region to its furthest boundaries--are represented in our planning initiatives as we work to build an inclusive, accessible transportation network for all.”

Collins will be joined by District of Columbia Councilmember Christina Henderson and Fairfax County Supervisor James Walkinshaw, elected to serve as joint Vice-Chairs for the TPB.

TPB officers serve one-year terms, running from January 1 to December 31.

The TPB is the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for the region. Working with local, state, regional, and federal partners, the TPB coordinates future plans, provides data and analysis to decision makers, and manages regional programs to advance safety, land-use coordination, and more. In order to receive federal funding, transportation projects and programs must be included in the TPB’s regional plans. The TPB is staffed by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).

Contact: Lindsey Martin
Phone: (202) 962-3209


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