TPB News

TPB Community Advisory Committee accepting member applications for 2023-2024

Nov 7, 2022
TPB community leader and committee member discussion

TPB community leader and committee member discussions (TPB)

TPB Community Advisory Committee accepting member applications for 2023-2024 

Being a member of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a great opportunity for residents who are interested in regional transportation issues to provide input to decision-makers and promote public involvement in the regional planning process!

Who is involved in the CAC?

The CAC is a group of 24 residents of the metropolitan Washington region who represent diverse viewpoints on regional transportation issues. CAC members represent environmental, business, and civic interests in transportation.

  • Fifteen of the 24 members are appointed evenly among the District of Columbia, Suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia.
  • An additional nine members are appointed to represent TPB member jurisdictions, different perspectives on transportation, and to ensure a diverse committee including representation of low-income individuals, individuals with disabilities, and traditionally disadvantaged racial and ethnic population groups.

CAC commitment

The CAC meets once a month on the Thursday six days prior to the monthly TPB meeting. Meetings have typically been held in the evening from 6:00-8:00 P.M. and will be either virtual or hybrid (combination of in-person and online). In-person meetings are usually held at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments located at 777 North Capitol Street NE in Washington, DC. 

What is the role of the CAC?

The CAC advises the TPB and offers comments to the board reflecting the committee’s diverse viewpoints. Over the years, the CAC has focused on key regional transportation issues, such as transportation funding, environmental concerns, and emergency preparedness issues. The committee has also identified key opportunities to enhance the TPB’s ongoing public participation activities.

The mission of the TPB Community Advisory Committee is:

  • to promote public involvement in transportation planning for the region,
  • to advance equitable representation in regional transportation planning, and
  • to provide independent, region-oriented citizen advice to the TPB on transportation plans and issues. 

How to apply

An application form is available on the COG website. Complete the form and submit! The application deadline is December 5, 2022.

For more information on the CAC’s activities, including committee reports and agendas, please visit  You can also contact John Swanson at (202) 962-3295 or


Contact: Rachel Beyerle
Phone: (202) 962-3237
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