News Release

TPB approves local Maryland trail project for $5.1M in federal funding

Jul 20, 2022

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved approximately $5.1 million dollars in federal funding to fund construction for the Frederick and Pennsylvania Line (F&PL) Trail in Frederick County, Maryland.

The project will be funded by the TPB’s Maryland portion of the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA Set-Aside) Program, which supports small-scale projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, trails, safe routes to school (SRTS) projects, and other community improvements.

The F&PL project will include the construction of 10-foot-wide asphalt trail running 1.79 miles from Monocacy Boulevard in the City of Frederick to Fountain Rock Nature Center in Walkersville, Maryland. The trail will have access to a Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) park and ride lot with bicycle parking and local Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) commuter bus transit.

The project also constructs a link in the National Capital Trail Network, a 1,400-mile system of trails that will connect the entire region when completed.

The board also recommended that four other projects in Maryland be funded through separate funding available from MDOT. These projects, some of which address a number of COG and TPB key priorities, such as support for Activity Centers and improved access in Equity Emphasis Areas, would be considered during MDOT’s selection process in August.

The TA Set-Aside Program is part of the Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program. The TPB administers the program as a component of its Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program. The program offers the region the ability to fund projects that support regional priorities and goals based on the Visualize 2045 long-range transportation plan and the TPB’s other policy documents.

MORE: About the TA Set Aside Program

Contact: Janele Partman
Phone: (202) 962-3250
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