News Release

TPB supports 11 local planning projects that promote walkable, bikeable, and transit-oriented communities

Apr 20, 2022

The City of Alexandria will get $60k to complete walk audits for five schools to provide safety enhancements that make it easier and safer for kids to walk and bike to school.

At its monthly meeting on April 20, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) approved 11 planning and design projects totaling $630,000 in technical assistance through its Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program.

Started in 2007, the TLC program has now funded 167 planning projects covering a range of activities including pedestrian and bike planning, corridor and small area planning, and the development of analytical tools. Assistance for these types of projects has become increasingly important as the region experiences growth in bicycling trips and pedestrian safety continues to be a high priority for local jurisdictions.

All 11 projects are in or near Activity Centers, places in the region identified by COG and TPB as priority places to locate jobs and housing. In addition, eight of the projects are in or near Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs), locations with high concentrations of traditionally underserved communities, and seven of the projects are in or near High-Capacity Transit Stations Areas (HCTs). In 2021, both the TPB and COG Board of Directors endorsed EEAs and HCTs as key concepts to inform regional planning and future growth and investment decisions.

TPB staff will coordinate with the jurisdictions that have been awarded technical assistance to commence the consultant selection process. Projects are scheduled for completion by June 30, 2023.

Projects approved for funding include:

Safe Routes to School Walk Audits Phase 2

City of Alexandria, $60,000

A project to complete walk audits for five Alexandria schools which will be used to identify Safe Routes to School (SRTS) recommendations for safety enhancements that make it easier and safer for kids to walk and bike to school.

Independence Avenue Corridor Study

District of Columbia, $60,000

A study that will examine connectivity, multi-modal use, safety, and the quality of the pedestrian experience traversing north-south between the National Mall and the SW waterfront and neighborhoods, and east-west along Independence Avenue.

Delivery Microhub Feasibility Study

District of Columbia, $55,000

Feasibility study to strategically locate staging areas or microhubs to facilitate sustainable delivery modes, including bicycle, cargo bicycle, and foot deliveries.

New Design Road Bikeway Study

Frederick County, $35,000

A bikeway selection study that will identify preliminary cost estimates as well as preliminary or schematic drawings for a segment of New Design Road that is an essential link in Frederick County’s plans to build a bikeway connecting the City of Frederick to the C&O Canal National Park.

Olde Towne to Washington Grove Bicycle Connection

City of Gaithersburg, $60,000

A conditions and feasibility study to increase bike access to residents in neighborhoods and transit stations surrounding the City of Gaithersburg MARC Station and the Shady Grove Metro Station.

Active Transportation Plan

City of Manassas Park, $60,000

An active transportation study to assess existing conditions in the realm of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and identify areas of opportunity for strengthening the network.

Montgomery County Streetlight Standards

Montgomery County, $50,000

An upgrade to Montgomery County’s existing Streetlight Standards to advance the county’s Vision Zero initiative and Complete Streets Design Guidelines principles.

Commuter Garage Active Transportation and Micromobility First/Last Mile Connections

Prince William County, $60,000

A planning study to help find gaps in walkability around a new commuter lot and propose solutions with cost estimates.

Fleet & Monroe Streets Complete Streets Feasibility Study

City of Rockville, $60,000

Feasibility study to assess construction alternatives of Complete Streets facilities along Fleet and Monroe Streets, approximately one half-mile of roadway in the City of Rockville’s Town Center neighborhood.

Takoma Park Metropolitan Branch Trail Upgrade

City of Takoma Park, $60,00

A full upgrade of the Metropolitan Branch Trail that runs between the Washington, DC border and Silver Spring to increase safety and accessibility.

New Ave Bikeway – District Connector Section D

City of Takoma Park, $70,000

Design work for a bikeway that will extend from the Langley Park Transit Center to existing bike lanes on Kansas Avenue in the District of Columbia to help create a continuous bikeway facility.

Contact: Janele Partman
Phone: (202) 962-3250


TLC Program
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