News Highlight

COG policy committees support Region United priorities

Apr 6, 2022
COG policy committee chairs

TPB Chair Pamela Sebesky, MWAQC Chair Takis Karantonis, CBPC Chair Amy Jackson, CEEPC Chair Koran Saines, FARM Chair Mary Cheh, HSPC Chair Calvin Hawkins, and RFC Chair Brianne Nadeau

In 2022, the COG Board of Directors agreed to focus on advancing interrelated priorities of equity, transit and land use, housing, and climate change, a planning framework for 2030 known as Region United.

Over the next decade, COG, its policy committees, and the independent policy boards that it partners with will all contribute to this effort. At the same time, these groups are tracking and advising on many legislative priorities, like transportation funding, air quality, water quality, climate and energy, human services, and more. Learn more about the committees’ priorities and the officials leading them.

National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB)
Chair: Pamela Sebesky, City of Manassas Vice Mayor

As the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the region, the TPB will focus on approval of the update to Visualize 2045, the region’s long-range transportation plan. In addition to working toward existing goals, the TPB will set greenhouse gas reduction goals and prioritize transportation resiliency. The TPB is also working to improve equity through expanding performance measures, public involvement, and analyzing how transportation projects improve connections for traditionally underserved populations—such as those who live in Equity Emphasis Areas. Safety is another top priority. Through the Regional Roadway Safety Program for example, the TPB will prioritize projects, programs, and policies to reduce the number of fatal and serious injury crashes on the region’s roadways. 

Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee (MWAQC)
Chair: Takis Karantonis, Arlington County Board Member

MWAQC coordinates regional air quality planning activities and is focused on working with members to identify and implement local initiatives to reduce air pollution. It tracks the region’s progress toward attaining federal air quality standards. Tremendous air quality progress has been made thanks to federal, state, and local government action, but the region has more work to do to improve the air and protect public health. This year, MWAQC is working on a State Implementation Plan to meet the federal ozone standard and will be working on how to address pollution that is transported into our region. Local governments will continue to work on their commitments to reduce emissions – including the development and implementation of programs to reduce ozone precursors both in the short and long term. Programs will be cost-effective, viable, implementable, consider equity, and include co-benefits for criteria pollutants.

Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee (CBPC)
Chair: Amy Jackson, City of Alexandria Vice Mayor

The CBPC works to improve water quality for the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. This year, the CBPC will continue to prioritize climate resiliency in the Bay watershed and will be a voice for local governments in Chesapeake Bay Program forums, which brings together a range of agencies and organizations. The CBPC will also focus on urging smart salt use among residents. The CBPC is continually tracking and supporting legislation, monitoring and assessing the impacts of climate change, including precipitation data, and supporting stormwater resiliency efforts.

Climate, Energy, and Environment Policy Committee (CEEPC)
Chair: Koran Saines, Loudoun County Board Vice Chairman

As the COG Board of Directors' principal advisor on climate change, CEEPC is supporting the board’s priority to develop an electric vehicle infrastructure deployment strategy. CEEPC continues to prioritize local climate plan development and implementation projects, advocating for the board’s climate and energy legislative priorities, and developing the next round of local and regional greenhouse gas inventories to track progress towards regional climate goals. 

Food and Agriculture Regional Member (FARM) Committee
Chair: Mary Cheh, District of Columbia Councilmember

The FARM Committee supports development of a more resilient, connected food and farm economy across the region. Its top priorities include improving food security, supporting Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and small farmers, and focusing on farmland preservation, land use, environmental sustainability and resilience, regional food system data, and leveraging procurement to support equity and the region’s food and farm economy. The committee is forming two new work groups related to these priorities, and will continue to focus on improving access to school meals, strengthening SNAP and other federal nutrition benefit programs, and raising awareness about opportunities to support BIPOC farmers and small farmers.

Human Services Policy Committee (HSPC)
Chair: Calvin Hawkins, Prince George’s County Council Chair

The HSPC advises the COG Board on health and human services issues. This year, the committee will focus on addressing equity across the spectrum of the region’s human services needs. For example, the group has most recently focused on housing, including reviewing progress toward the region's 2030 housing targets and next steps on the Regional Housing Equity Plan that is underway, reviewing its draft goals. 

Region Forward Coalition (RFC)
Chair: Brianne Nadeau, District of Columbia Councilmember

The RFC oversees the region’s progress toward its shared goals in the areas of prosperity, accessibility, livability, and sustainability, recommending cross-cutting policies and planning recommendations to the COG Board. This year, the RFC will address how to ensure progress toward these shared goals in a post-pandemic region. For example, the group recently discussed the region's changing workforce and housing discrimination, and later this spring will examine improving bike and walk access to transit and the National Capital Trail Network. 

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