News Release

COG Board of Directors elects Arlington County Board Vice Chair Christian Dorsey as 2022 Chair

Jan 12, 2022

2022 COG Board Chair Christian Dorsey, Vice Chair Kate Stewart, and Vice Chair Charles Allen


At its virtual January meeting, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) Board of Directors elected Arlington County Board Vice Chair Christian Dorsey as its Chair for 2022.

Dorsey served as a COG Board Vice Chair from 2019-2021. In addition, he previously served as Co-Chair of the COG D.C. Statehood Task Force and as a member of COG’s Housing Strategy Group and Legislative Committee.

“It's a tremendous honor to lead this regional body responsible for connecting area leaders from across D.C., Maryland, and Virginia and bringing us together to think about and plan for a better future,” said Dorsey.

City of Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart and District of Columbia Councilmember Charles Allen were elected as Vice Chairs.

Following the election of officers, the board discussed its focus for 2022—its new Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework, comprised of goals, targets, and planning principles around equity, housing, climate, and transit.

Housing Planning Grants Program

Among a portfolio of programs at COG supporting this vision is the new Housing Affordability Planning Program (HAPP), made possible by the Amazon Housing Equity Fund.

Through HAPP, COG is seeking applicants for grant funding to support planning initiatives and projects that could increase the amount and affordability of housing opportunities near transit.

The program will provide grants of up to $75,000 to local governments and non-profit developers engaged in planning, approving, or developing housing around transit stations. Potential projects could include market studies, feasibility studies, zoning analyses, design work, and more. COG anticipates issuing several grant awards totaling $500,000.

Established in October, HAPP will help the region work toward its shared housing targets, which call for more housing affordable to low- and middle-income families and in proximity to transit by 2030.

“Now that we have forged regionwide consensus on a set of key planning priorities, including housing, I’m excited that COG is providing resources and technical support to area governments so that we can turn our goals into action,” said Dorsey.

HAPP Dates to Know

·       Application period opens: January 12, 2022

·       Abstracts Due: February 9, 2022 at 5 P.M.

·       Applications Due: March 23, 2022 at 5 P.M.

·       Selection Panel: May 2022

·       COG Board Approval: June 8, 2022 at 2 P.M.

Board Policy Committee Appointments

In addition, the COG Board appointed several area officials to leadership positions on its policy committees:

COG Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee Chair:

City of Alexandria Councilmember Amy Jackson

COG Climate, Energy, and Environment Policy Committee Chair:

Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Vice Chairman Koran Saines

COG Human Services Policy Committee Chair:

Prince George’s County Council Chair Calvin Hawkins

COG Region Forward Coalition Chair:

District of Columbia Councilmember Brianne Nadeau

COG Food and Agriculture Regional Member Policy Committee Chair:

District of Columbia Councilmember Mary Cheh

The Board of Directors is COG’s governing body and is responsible for its overall policies, functions, and funds. Board members are appointed each year by the participating local governments and by caucuses of state legislative delegations from the region.

Learn more about the Metropolitan Washington Framework for 2030:

Contact: Janele Partman
Phone: (202) 962-3250


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