News Release

TPB elects City of Manassas Vice Mayor Pamela Sebesky as 2022 Chair

Dec 15, 2021

2022 TPB Officers: Pamela Sebesky, City of Manassas; Reuben B. Collins II, Charles County; Christina Henderson, District of Columbia

At its December meeting, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) chose a new slate of board officers for 2022. City of Manassas Vice Mayor Pamela Sebesky was elected to serve as Chair and Charles County Board of Commissioners President Reuben B. Collins II and District of Columbia At-Large Councilmember Christina Henderson were elected to serve as Vice Chairs.

“In order to meet our transportation goals and improve our region’s quality of life, collaboration is key," said Sebesky. “I look forward to serving as Chair of the Transportation Planning Board in 2022 and helping advance our important work together, including the major update of our federally required long-range transportation plan, Visualize 2045.”

Sebesky became a TPB member in 2019 and served as a Vice Chair in 2020 and 2021. Collins joined the TPB in 2019 and served as a Vice Chair in 2021. Henderson joined the TPB this year.

The TPB is the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for metropolitan Washington. Working with local, state, regional, and federal partners, the TPB coordinates future plans, provides data and analysis to decision makers, and manages regional programs to advance safety, land-use coordination, and more.

In order to receive federal funding, transportation projects and programs must be included in the TPB’s regional plans. The TPB is housed at and staffed by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).

Contact: Steve Kania
Phone: (202) 962-3249


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