TPB News

A brief recap of the May TPB meeting

May 25, 2021

At its May meeting the TPB received briefings on Enhanced Mobility grant solicitation, the first phase of a Climate Change Mitigation Study, and a review of comments received during the first comment period for Visualize 2045. The board approved an agreement with the Fredericksburg MPO for the share planning area in Stafford County, VA. The TPB also held a work session about the conformity projects for Visualize 2045.

Action Items

FAMPO Agreement

The only action item on the agenda was to approve an agreement with the Fredericksburg MPO. The approved document was an update to an agreement for planning responsibilities for the shared urbanized area of Stafford County.

Get the memo and presentation.

Watch the presentation and board vote.

Informational Items

Visualize 2045

Prior to the meeting, board members held a work session as a continuation to the April discussion about the inputs and air quality conformity work scope. The work session included presentations from the Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia departments of transportation. A substantive development related to Visualize 2045 update was a change to the proposed High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes project in Maryland. MDOT informed the board members that the previously proposed construction of HOT lanes on I 495 from I 270 to Woodrow Wilson Bridge was being changed to a study. MDOT said that this change was in response to the feedback it had received calling for a more detailed and collaborative study.

The board also received a briefing on the comments received during the first comment period of Visualize 2045. The presentation reviewed how many comments staff received and the topics they covered. A review packet containing comments and responses in available. Read the comment packet.

During the board discussion, board members asked some questions about the comments received. Board member Bridget Newton of Rockville noted that the City of Rockville submitted a formal letter asking the TPB to remove the I-270 project from the plan.

Other board members asked about considering climate considerations in the project approval process. Board member Evan Glass proposed a resolution to be brought to the June meeting.

The board will be taking up approval of the project inputs and Air Quality Conformity work scope at the June meeting.

Watch the presentation and board discussion.

Get the materials from the meeting.

Climate Change Mitigation Study

Staff briefed the board on the first phase of a climate change mitigation study. In this briefing, staff reviewed previous studies and scenario studies the TPB and COG have completed over the years. The briefing provided a detailed analysis of past work including the Multi-Sector Working Group and the work of the TPB’s Long-Range Plan Task-Force that led to the adoption of the aspirational initiatives in the 2018 Long-Range Transportation Plan. This review of past work will set the stage for further work on scenario analysis looking at Climate Change Mitigation strategies.

During the board discussion, members asked questions to better understand these past studies and recommendations. Board member Jeanette Rishell asked if there had been any consideration in the recommendations from the Multi-Sector Working group on the effect of carbon taxes on low-income residents. Staff explained that while that had not been considered in that previous study, it will be part of the scenario work going forward.

Get the full memo and presentation.

Watch and listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Other items

Community Advisory Committee: The CAC met on May 13 and held a robust discussion of Visualize 2045. The committee broke into small groups and discussed why the plan is important to the region, how it can address equity and climate change. After the discussion, staff were available to answer questions and respond to the committee’s concerns. Read the full CAC report. Watch the CAC report.

Public Comment: Members of the public are welcome to submit short statements to the board to be relayed at the monthly meeting. Staff received 100 comments from the public that were relayed to the TPB during Item 1. Of these comments, 98 comments asked the TPB to remove the I-270 project from the inputs to Visualize 2045. One letter was received from the Coalition for Smarter Growth asking the TPB to consider climate change mitigation strategies in its long-range transportation plan. The Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance also submitted a letter stating its support for the mix of project inputs in the plan and urged the TPB not to approve any resolution to delay approving the plan. Read the comment memo.

Enhanced Mobility Solicitation: The board was briefed on the Enhanced Mobility program that provides grants for transportation services for people with disabilities and older adults. The Enhanced Mobility solicitation period is now underway until September 1. Pre-application conferences will be held virtually in July. Learn more about the Enhanced Mobility Program. Get the memo and presentation.

Get the full audio and meeting materials from the May meeting.

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