TPB News,Visualize 2045

Here's what happened at the April TPB meeting

Apr 26, 2021

At its April meeting the TPB approved projects for funding through the CRRSAA for Enhanced Mobility and approved 11 projects for technical assistance through the Transportation Land-use Connections program. The TPB also held a work session that sparked an in-depth discussion about the conformity projects for Visualize 2045.

Action Items


The TPB approved six projects for funding through FTA’s Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (CRRSAA) program. CRRSAA is supplemental funding approved by Congress to provide assistance to providers through the Enhanced Mobility program. The funding is specifically for providers of transportation for older adults, people with disabilities, and veterans to help these groups mitigate financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding will go to helping people get to vaccine appointments, mobility training, and to bring back personnel. 

Get the memo and presentation.

Watch the presentation and board vote.


The board also approved technical assistance to 11 projects through the TLC program. TLC provides assistance to small scale projects to create more livable, walkable, and bikeable communities. This year’s projects include projects that focus on equity, access to transit, and combatting climate change.

Read more about the TLC projects

Get the TLC memo and presentation materials.

Watch the presentation and board vote.

Informational Items

Visualize 2045

Prior to the meeting, board members held a work session to learn about the conformity project inputs for the long-range transportation plan. During the work session TPB staff reviewed the highlights of the major projects and staff experts from the departments of transportation were available to answer board members’ questions. Board members held a robust discussion about some of the projects.

During the board meeting, staff reviewed the process for the update to the plan and the materials that are currently out for public comment. Staff also reviewed the air quality conformity scope of work.

Board members reiterated some of their concerns from the morning work session. Responding to board member Marc Korman, Chair Allen noted that “these comments follow a general theme from this morning for wanting more information, more details, and more description.”

Board members requested more time to learn more and discuss at the next meeting and suggested another work session before the May meeting.

Watch the presentation and board discussion.

Get the materials from the meeting.

Learn more about the Visualize 2045 public comment period.

Other items

Access for All Advisory Committee: At its April meeting, the AFA had a discussion responding to the public comment materials for Visualize 2045. AFA members noted the importance of planning not just for commute trips but for all trips. A sentiment echoed by TPB board members in response to the AFA report. Read the AFA report. Watch the report and board discussion.

Community Advisory Committee: The CAC also reported that the committee received a briefing about Visualize 2045 and what is currently out for public comment. CAC members expressed concerned about ensuring equity, lowering vehicle miles traveled, and combatting climate change. Read the CAC report. Watch the CAC report.

Public Comment: Members of the public are welcome to submit short statements to the board to be relayed at the monthly meeting. This month, staff received more than 100 comments pertaining to Visualize 2045. Staff shared these comments in a short memo and will include them with other comments received during the formal comment period. Read the comment memo.

Director’s Report: During his report TPB Director Kanti Srikanth announced that Bike to Work Day will be held on May 21 with public health precautions in place. He also reported on President Biden’s American Jobs Plan with an informational memo. Chair Allen asked about if it was possible to delay approval of the region’s long-range transportation plan. Srikanth explained that last year, USDOT had said they would not provide extensions. Get the Director’s Report. Watch the report and board questions.

Get the materials and watch the recording of the April TPB meeting.

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