TPB News

Voices of the Region survey gauges opinions on future of transportation

Feb 23, 2021

The February TPB meeting featured a presentation on initial findings from the Visualize 2045 Voices of the Region public opinion survey. Also at the meeting, the board received briefings on the budget and workplan for the TPB and for Commuter Connections.

Voices of the Region survey

The voices of the region survey was a survey of people in the region to gauge public opinions about our region’s transportation future. The survey showed that there is broad support for the TPB’s regional policy priorities. It also asked respondents about their travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and what they imagine their travel habits may be like a year after the pandemic. TPB Staff Director Kanti Srikanth explained that the purpose of the survey is to provide a snapshot of what people in the region think about the transportation system. “The jurisdictions are making decision about what to invest in, this is important information to have as you make these decisions,” he said.

A few highlights from the presentation include that 53% of respondents said they intend to walk more a year after the pandemic. Over 90% said they would like to be able to telework either full or part-time a year after. The survey also asked about how street space is used. 75% said they want expanded street space for restaurants and sidewalks and 71% want dedicated bus lanes.

Responding to the discussion about telework, board member Shyam Kannan of WMATA reminded the board that not all workers in the region have the option to telework. “More than 50% can’t work from home. We should also be mindful of non-work trips,” he noted.

These findings are just the beginning, TPB staff have also conducted a series of focus groups to get a deeper dive into how people in the region feel about the transportation system. As we continue to analyze the results from the survey and the focus groups, we will be sharing this information with our member jurisdictions and agencies.

Watch and listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Unified Planning Work Program

The board also received a detailed review of the TPB’s budget, the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). Last month, staff reviewed what the TPB does, what it is required to do under federal law and how the staff aligns those requirements with board interests. This month staff reviewed more details about revenue and expenditures for the board to approve next month.

Get the presentation and meeting materials.

Watch and listen to the board presentation and discussion.

Other items:

Commuter Connections Work Program: Commuter Connections is a regional program that promotes alternatives to driving alone. The board received a presentation that highlighted the program and its various activities for the coming year. The board will approve the work program at its March meeting. Watch and listen to the presentation.

Community Advisory Committee: New CAC Chair Elisa Walton presented the CAC report for the beginning of the new CAC term. The CAC met on February 11. Members started to get to know each other and talked about the upcoming year with Chair Allen. The committee also received a briefing on the Regional Travel Survey. Read the CAC report. Watch and listen to the CAC report.

Access for All Advisory Committee: The AFA also has a new chair, board member Canek Aguirre. Mr. Aguirre presented the AFA report. The AFA met on February 12 and received a briefing on the Voices of the Region survey. The committee also learned more of how COVID-19 has affected services for people with disabilities in the region. Read the AFA report. Watch and listen to the AFA report.

Get all the materials and watch and listen to the February TPB meeting

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