News Highlight

COG Board receives briefing on first weeks of COVID vaccinations

Jan 14, 2021

In December, COVID vaccines started being administered to the first phase of recipients, healthcare personnel. Since then, as the vaccine has become accessible to additional groups, varying by jurisdiction, supply has remained tight while strong interest from the public has fueled high demand across the region.

At its January meeting, the COG Board of Directors received a briefing on COVID vaccination efforts from Loudoun County Heath Director Dr. David Goodfriend, who serves on the COG Health Officials Committee.

Goodfriend said that he and his fellow health officials are “all committed to trying to get the vaccine as quickly into people’s arms as safely as possible” and that communication across Northern Virginia and the entire D.C. region has been beneficial. Officials have shared information on their local vaccination efforts and discussed a variety of issues including limited vaccine supplies and equity challenges.

In response to recent reports that the federal government may alter its initial approach and release more vaccines to expedite groups getting their first vaccinations, Goodfriend noted there are concerns about vaccine supply keeping up to allow people to get their booster shots.

Regarding equity, Goodfriend discussed the challenges of ensuring that all communities are made aware of vaccination efforts and get vaccinated. A lot of the current messaging about the vaccine depends on the internet and can miss people who don’t have access. For this reason, area governments have been engaging with trusted community partners to share vaccination information. Goodfriend also noted the importance of having sites that are accessible to people with disabilities, especially as jurisdictions vaccinate older adults.

As vaccination efforts progress, Goodfriend said it will be essential for partners like pharmacies and healthcare providers to receive the vaccines to ensure more widespread coverage.

In addition to the Health Officials Committee, several COG committees have been focused on sharing information and collaborating on COVID vaccination efforts, including the Chief Administrative Officers, Emergency Managers, and Public Information Officers.

COG has also continued to communicate COVID-19-related issues to the federal government. For example, in December, the COG Board Executive Committee sent a letter calling for a federal vaccine distribution strategy to better support the region’s needs.


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