News Release

Region's new long-range transportation plan will emphasize public involvement, and focus on equity, climate resiliency, and safety

Dec 16, 2020
NoMa Metro

NoMa Metro (Beyond DC/Flickr)

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is kicking off an update to Visualize 2045, the region’s long-range transportation plan. 

Once the process is complete, the plan will include transportation projects the region is expected to fund over a 25-year horizon, including regionally significant projects that leverage federal funding and that impact compliance with federal air quality standards.

The plan update passed one milestone on Wednesday at the TPB’s monthly meeting when the board approved the solicitation document, which begins the process for jurisdictions to submit projects, programs, and policies for potential inclusion in the plan.

There will be opportunities for the public to participate in the plan’s development, including through social media, public comment, discussions, and socially distant forms of engagement consistent with public health guidelines.

“This is an opportunity for local leaders and residents to really visualize and plan for a better shared future,” said Kelly Russell, 2020 TPB Chair and City of Frederick Alderman. “As a board, we are rededicating ourselves to ensuring equity, resiliency, and safety are central to the plan.”

The federal government requires that the TPB, as the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), update its long-range transportation plan every four years, demonstrating both the financial viability of projects and conformity with federal air quality standards.

During its last plan update the TPB also endorsed seven initiatives that, if realized, would not only improve mobility, accessibility, and air quality in the region, but also contribute to the region’s greenhouse gas reduction and climate resiliency goals.

MORE: Learn about Visualize 2045 and opportunities for residents to get involved 

Contact: Megan Goodman
Phone: (202) 962-3209
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