TPB News

A brief recap of the November TPB meeting

Nov 23, 2020

At its November meeting, the TPB approved changes to the Citizens Advisory Committee to, among other things, change the name to the Community Advisory Committee. The board also approved bike and pedestrian projects in the District of Columbia for funding through the transportation alternatives set aside program and set Transit Safety Targets for the region as part of the federally required Performance Based Planning and Programming.  Also at the meeting the board received a briefing on a draft set of Highway Safety Targets, the Visualize 2045 Technical Input Solicitation, and a briefing on the Long Bridge project.

Action Items

Changes for the CAC

The board approved a set of changes to the CAC. The changes include a name change to Community Advisory Committee, an update to its mission to include equity, and changes to the committee structure, and how committee members are chosen. The new structure increases the number of members from 15 to 24, with 15 positions equally shared by the three states (including the District of Columbia) with the remaining nine to represent additional constituencies not already or underrepresented. Staff will be reviewing all applications received and develop recommendations, based on a set of selection criteria, for the officers of the board to review ahead of the approval of the members by the full board.

TPB staff are now accepting applications for the CAC

Watch and listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Funding for bike and pedestrian projects in the District of Columbia

The TPB approved seven projects in DC for more than $700 thousand in funding through the Transportation Alternatives Set-aside program, also known as TAP. The 7 projects will make it easier and more pleasant to walk, bike, and access transit in the District.

Learn more about these seven projects.

During the board discussion, Board member Patrick Wojahn noted that while he was pleased that these seven projects were selected, he was concerned that there was money left on the table. He asked if there could be more outreach to the three state departments of transportation to find ways for more projects to be eligible for funding.

Watch and listen to the board discussion.

Transit Safety Targets

For the first time, the board approved a set of Transit Safety Targets for the region. Transit Safety Targets are part of the federally required Performance Based Planning and Programming. One goal of this target setting process is that the focus on and understanding of the factors that affect safety on transit will inform project programming and thereby improve safety.

Learn more about the Transit Safety Targets. 

Watch and listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Informational Items

Highway Safety Targets

The board was briefed on the proposed updates to the current set of Highway Safety Targets.  As part of the federally required Performance Based Planning and Programming states and metropolitan planning organizations like the TPB must set data driven targets for fatalities and serious injuries on the region’s roadways. Staff briefed the board in preparation for its action in December to set the targets This will be the third set of roadway safety targets the TPB will be adopting. 

First, staff reviewed the trends in the crash data for 2015-2019 on the region’s roadways, which showed serious injuries were going down, yet fatalities were increasing. Second, staff briefed the board in how well the region has been doing in meeting its current targets. Similar to the trend data, the region met its targets for serious injuries but not for fatalities. With that information, staff recommended no change to the targets for fatalities but to set new stricter targets for serious injuries.

TPB staff briefed the board on draft highway safety targets. The board will be taking up these targets for approval at its December meeting. (TPB)

Board members noted their disappointment in the trend of increasing fatalities. Board member Deni Taveras expressed frustration and sadness after seeing yet again higher fatality rates on the region’s roadways. She asked, “why aren’t we challenging ourselves to do better and how are we incorporating recommendations from smart growth groups to make our roadways safer?”

TPB Director Kanti Srikanth explained that while the board has noted its support for policy goals like Vision Zero and Towards Zero Deaths, we are not able to adopt even tougher fatality targets based on the data. He said the board concern and commitment to improve roadway safety had led to a safety study that produced a series of project, program and policy recommendations. He also pointed out that the TPB has started a new regional safety program to help jurisdictions fund safety programs and projects at the local level. “The goal is still zero deaths,” he said.

Watch and listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Other items

Visualize 2045 Technical Input Solicitation: Next month TPB staff will be kicking off the process to develop the region’s next long range plan. The first part of that process is to ask member jurisdictions to submit projects for the constrained element of the plan. The Technical Inputs Solicitation includes a guide for jurisdiction staff to submit their projects and how those projects support the region’s goals. Watch and listen to the presentation.

Nominating committee formed: In her Chair’s remarks, Kelly Russell announced that she has formed a nominating committee to choose the officers for 2021. Listen and watch the Chair’s Remarks.

Access for All Advisory Committee: Board member and AFA Chair Kacy Kostiuk provided the AFA report to the board. The AFA met on November 10. It received a series of briefings on the effects of the covid pandemic on the region’s transportation system. The committee also discussed how it has affected them and the groups they represent. This was Kostiuk’s final report as AFA Chair. Listen and watch the AFA report.

Community Advisory Committee: CAC Chair Nancy Abeles gave the CAC report. The CAC met on November 12. The committee discussed the changes to the CAC. It also received briefings on the Visualize 2045 Technical Inputs Solicitation and upcoming opportunities to help spread the word on the new plan. Watch and listen to the CAC report.

Get the meeting materials, audio recording and video from the November meeting.

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Contact: Abigail Zenner
Phone: 202-962-3237


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