TPB News

TPB News readers, who are you?

Oct 13, 2020

Do you read TPB News? Are you a subscriber?

If you’re new to us, TPB News is a twice monthly newsletter and blog that helps our readers and stakeholders stay up-to-date with what is happening at the TPB.

This fall, we wondered who our subscribers and readers were? Are you a board or committee member? A community member interested in transportation? One of our colleagues at COG? An elected official or other decision maker? Do you work for another metropolitan planning organization?

Whoever you are, we want to get to know you better. We also want to know what you would like us to cover on the blog. Let us know by filling out our reader survey. Whoever you are, we’d like to get to know you better.

Take the survey today!

And if you’re not a current subscriber, you can update your subscriptions at

Contact: Abigail Zenner
Phone: 2029623237


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