TPB staff is currently updating its Participation Plan. This plan guides staff interactions with the public so the public knows and understands how it can participate in transportation planning in the region. The Participation Plan has always emphasized equity and inclusivity, but for the 2020 update staff have added a greater emphasis on equity, inclusivity, and accessibility.
Learn more and comment on the Participation Plan
Every metropolitan planning organization (MPO), like the TPB, is federally required to have a Participation Plan. These plans help MPOs show how they share information, take public comment, and otherwise work with the public. The TPB’s plan includes a Public Guide to give members of the public a sense for how they can get involved at the TPB. It also includes a section, called the Staff Guide, that walks staff through a series of questions they need to consider before starting work that the public needs to know about. This workflow will help staff come up with a plan for informing and engaging the public as part of their activity.
TPB staff haven’t just worked on this plan in a vacuum. To develop this update staff drew upon an evaluation of the TPB’s public involvement program and reviewed participation plans from other peer MPOs. Staff have also solicited input from the TPB’s Citizens Advisory, Access for All Advisory, and Technical committees in developing the plan. The committees have provided input throughout the ten-month process to write this plan update.
As staff were working on the plan, the TPB and COG Board of Directors passed resolutions affirming a commitment to equity and anti-racism. In response, staff took some extra time so the participation plan could reflect and include the TPB Equity Resolution. The plan also explicitly references equity in two other places. First, equity is an important part of the plan’s Policy Principles and Policy Goals. Second, one of the steps within the Staff Guide, asks staff to explicitly consider what equity implications may be present in their work.
Learn more about COG's work on equity and read the TPB’s resolution
The first TPB Participation Plan was approved in 2007 and was updated in 2014. These first two iterations focused identifying the constituents that the TPB seeks to reach through its outreach and engagement efforts. These plans recognized that different tools need to be used to reach different groups. They included a tool kit or list of tools staff could use to reach the different groups.
The latest plan update extends the idea that different groups need to be reached in different ways. While a list of tools and techniques are included, the 2020 update also includes, in the Staff Guide, more considerations that can help staff reach the public.
The TPB is currently accepting public comment on the Participation Plan. The public comment period opened on August 25 and ends on October 9. The TPB will be briefed on the plan update at their September meeting. The plan is expected to be finalized at the October meeting.
Before the final plan is prepared for approval, staff will take time to review the comments submitted by the public and stakeholders, including staff, jurisdiction and agency partners, and federal partners. Staff will prepare a response to this input and update the plan to reflect comment.
Learn more and comment on the Participation Plan