News Release

Area officials urge residents to plan ahead to vote

Aug 12, 2020

With the general election just 83 days away and the COVID-19 pandemic persisting, election officials briefed the board of directors of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) today on their plans to ensure area residents know their options and are prepared to vote.

The election officials, who coordinate through a COG committee, will be sharing common messages in the weeks ahead to urge residents in the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia to think about their voting plans now. For example, officials are urging residents to request their absentee ballots early, if applicable (the DC Board of Elections is mailing every registered voter a ballot for the general election). They are also recruiting new election poll workers as many longtime poll workers are in high-risk categories for COVID-19 and may not be volunteering.

The key messages include:

● The general election is coming up. Are you prepared? Get election-ready by planning to vote!

● Start by checking your voter registration status and updating your contact information.

● Want to vote by mail? Apply for your absentee ballot online, rather than by mail.

● Many places are experiencing a shortage of election workers due to COVID-19. Volunteer for the 2020 general election. Check your local board of elections website for details.

“This year—because of COVID-19—voting will take some planning ahead, so please don't wait until it’s too late and let’s get election ready today,” said COG Chair and Prince George’s County Council Member Derrick L. Davis.  

Election officials said if people have moved since the last time they voted, they must update their address to cast a ballot this November. People can check their information online and find out whether they need to update their voter record. They can also find other voting information, such as options for obtaining and casting their ballot, and the candidates or issues that will appear on their ballot.

In the District, please call 1-866-DC-VOTES or visit the DC Board of Elections website

In Maryland, please call 1-800-222-VOTE or visit the Maryland State Board of Elections website

In Virginia, please call 1-800-552-9745 or visit the Virginia Department of Elections

Contact: Steve Kania
Phone: (202) 962-3249
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