TPB News

These bike and pedestrian projects in MD will further regional safety goals

Jul 28, 2020

Safe Routes to School programs in Takoma Park, MD teach kids about bike safety. (Takoma Park)

The TPB approved funding for bike and pedestrian projects in Maryland to promote biking and walking and make roadways safer.

At its July meeting, the TPB approved more than $1.5 million in funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).

The TAP program provides federal funding to smaller scale transportation projects which benefit bicycling, pedestrians, trails, and Safe Routes to School projects that support regional priorities and goals as well as advance TPB policies and programs. These priorities include, a focus on expanding transportation options, support for Regional Activity Centers, access to high-capacity transit, access in Equity Emphasis Areas, support for the National Capital Trail Network, and increased access for people with disabilities.

The TPB is responsible for selecting projects using sub-allocated funding for Suburban Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

MORE: Learn about the Transportation Alternatives Program

This year’s projects in Maryland will play an important role in making streets in Prince George’s County and in Takoma Park safer for everyone in the area with a focus on creating Safe Routes to School for children in each community. Providing safer ways to get to school on foot or by bike can knit together safe transportation routes throughout the community.

The TAP project in Prince George's County will make it easier to get to 19 schools by foot or by bike. (Prince George's County)

The project in Prince George’s County is focused on creating better infrastructure for people walking near the 19 schools in the county. It will upgrade traffic signals, add sidewalks that are accessible for people with disabilities including crosswalks, ramps, and flashing signal beacons. Of the 19 school sites in the Prince George’s project, ten are in or within a half-mile of an Activity Center and 12 are in or within half-mile of an Equity Emphasis Areas.

The Takoma Park project will implement bike safety programs for Safe Routes to School. The project will provide funding for bike rodeo kits including bikes, gliders, helmets, and props to teach children to bike safely. The project will also fund a traffic garden, which simulates real world conditions for children to navigate on their bikes. The Takoma Park project is also in a Regional Activity Center and is within a half-mile of Equity Emphasis Areas.

Most fundamentally, both projects will focus on safety. As a result of the work that will be funded through these grants – including new sidewalks, new crosswalks, and continuing primary school education -- fewer kids going to and from school will be harmed due to inadequate transportation infrastructure.


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