News Highlight

Derrick Davis: The region will be strengthened focusing on an equitable future

Jul 27, 2020

As metropolitan Washington responds to and recovers from COVID-19 and its economic, health, and societal impacts, area leaders must aim for shaping a more equitable future for the region, according to COG Board Chair Derrick L. Davis. 

In an editorial in the Washington Post, Davis explained that the long-standing health disparities or racism amplified most recently by COVID-19 and the death of George Floyd are not recent developments, but can be a catalyst for regional action.  

"If not for the coronavirus, I don’t know that we would be shining a light on long-standing health disparities affecting communities of color. Without George Floyd, I don’t know that we would be drawing widespread attention to the systemic racism that has been baked into policies and practices of our governments and other sectors. But we are having these conversations now, and I am proud to be part of a region with government, business and nonprofit leaders ready to respond with action, not lip service."

Both the COG Board of Directors and National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) passed resolutions in July affirming equity as a fundamental value, and committing to weaving equity and anti-racism into its work. 

MORE: COG's Equity Work


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