TPB News

Here's what's coming up at the virtual April TPB meeting

Apr 7, 2020

The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet virtually at noon on Wednesday, April 15. The official agenda and all meeting materials will be posted the Thursday before the meeting.

What is a virtual meeting? TPB members will connect online or over the phone and there will be no in-person meeting. These procedures are in place in response to the COVID-19 situation. Information about how to listen to the live stream and submit a short (no more than 375 words) public statement to be read at the board meeting will also be available on the website and meeting agenda. Here’s a quick preview of what’s coming up:

  • Approving projects for the FY 2021 Transportation Land Use Connections program. The TPB’s Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program has provided support to local jurisdictions as they deal with the challenges of integrating land-use and transportation planning at the community level since 2006. Staff solicited applications for the FY 2021 TLC round of technical assistance between January and March 9, 2020. The board will be briefed and asked to approve the applications that are being recommended for technical assistance in FY 2021.
  • Amending the bylaws. Last month, the TPB provided notice to amend its bylaws to allow for virtual meetings in the future in case the board is unable to meet because of public safety, or public health concerns. The board will take up the measure to update its bylaws at the April meeting.
  • Travel demand management initiative, telework. Travel Demand Management (TDM) uses marketing, education, financial incentives, and other policies to encourage people to drive alone less. TDM was one of the aspirational initiatives that was part of Visualize 2045. Telework is a significant part of helping people find alternatives to driving alone. The current public health emergency has led to a significant increase in telecommuting. The board will learn about the latest telework resources that Commuter Connections has made available to employers and employees.
  • Regional Safety Study briefing. One topic that the board has focused on, since last year, has been roadway safety. The board initiative a study  that is now underway, to  better understand the  factors  contributing  to serious injury and fatal crashes. This briefing will present the findings from a regional crash data analysis. Later this spring, there will be a briefing on an in-depth analysis of crashes involving pedestrians, crashes at or near intersections, and crashes along principal arterials. The study will conclude  with a compilation of  a set of targeted actions the region can take  to improve roadway safety outcomes in the region.

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