TPB News

Here's what happened at the February TPB meeting

Feb 24, 2020

At the February TPB meeting, the board approved 7 bicycle and pedestrian projects in Virginia to receive funding through the Transportation Alternatives Set-aside Program (TAP) and approved transit asset management targets for the region. Staff briefed the board on some important items that will be up for approval in March, including the Unified Budget and Work Program (UPWP) and the new Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), amendments to Visualize 2045, and the associated air quality conformity analysis. 

Action items

Virginia TAP projects approved: The TPB approved 7 projects from Northern Virginia to receive funding through TAP. These seven projects make it easier and safer to bike and walk in the region, and help advance regional priorities. Listen to the presentation and board discussion.  

Learn more about the Virginia projects funded through TAP

Transit Asset Management: The board set Transit Asset Management targets for the region. These targets are part of Performance Based Planning and Programming, federal requirements for states, transit, agencies, and MPOs like the TPB to set targets for keeping transit fleets and facilities in a state of good repair. This was a chance for the board to learn about the draft targets and review them prior to approving the targets for the region next month. Listen to the presentation and board discussion.


Other items

UPWP briefing: The board received a briefing about the TPB’s budget and work program, the UPWP. Each fiscal year, the TPB, like other MPOs must detail its budget for the year. This process is a time when staff present on what annual work will be on going and provides a chance to highlight new work for the upcoming year. Much of the highlights for the next year include working on the next long-range plan, conducting a study on safety in the region, research on new technology, and on-going work including modeling, analysis, research, communications, and other member services. Listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Commuter Connections Work Program: The board also received a briefing about the Commuter Connections Work Program (CCWP). Commuter Connections works to find ways to help people find alternatives to driving alone. Its staff works to help people find carpools, plans Bike to Work Day, reaches out to employers, and provides smart phone applications to find a ride. Commuter Connections also publishes the State of the Commute, a survey of commuters and their habits. Board members asked about how Commuter Connections compares to other programs and how it is adapting to new technology. Commuter Connections Director Nick Ramfos explained that the program has been promoting its new apps Carpool Now and Incentrip and is finding that more commuters are interacting with the program using the apps. Listen to the presentation and board discussion.

FY 2021-2024 TIP, Air Quality Conformity: The board received a briefing on the FY 2021-2024 TIP and Air Quality Conformity analysis of the TIP and Visualize 2045 amendments. The TPB produces a new TIP every 2 years, plus there were minor updates for Visualize 2045 which means testing the TIP and plan for its effect on air quality. Some highlighted project updates for Visualize 2045 include the Long- Bridge over the Potomac River between the District and Virginia, a third track between Franconia and Occoquan, and a fourth track in Alexandria. The presentation also went through the emissions budgets, and the population and jobs forecast that go into the computer model for the analysis. The TIP, plan amendment, and air quality conformity analysis is currently out for public comment. Listen to the presentation and board discussion.

Comment on the FY 2021-2024 TIP and Air Quality Conformity.

More: Air quality conformity, explained.

Citizens Advisory Committee: CAC Chair Nancy Abeles presented the CAC report to the board. The committee met on February 13. TPB Chair Kelly Russell was in attendance and spoke with the committee about her priorities for the year and asked about the committee’s priorities for the year. The committee discussed how it’s focus on safety lines up with the board’s priority and how they can be effective in commenting on TPB activities. Read the CAC report. Listen to the CAC report.

Access for All Advisory Committee: The AFA also met on February 11. AFA Chair and TPB member Kacy Kostiuk reported on the meeting. The AFA discussed the Enhanced Mobility projects selected at the January TPB meeting. The committee also learned about COG’s housing initiative and focus on Transit Oriented Communities and learned about the Virginia TAP project selection. Read the AFA report. Listen to the AFA report.

Listen to the full February TPB meeting.

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