News Release

COG Recognizes D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Northern Virginia Economic Development Officials with Regional Leadership Awards

Dec 11, 2019
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser accepts the 2019 Scull Award from COG Vice President and Loudoun County Chair Phyllis Randall

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser accepts the 2019 Scull Award from COG Vice President and Loudoun County Chair Phyllis Randall

Three local leaders and two organizations were recognized today by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) at its annual membership meeting for their partnership, collaboration, and service to the metropolitan Washington region.

District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser received the Elizabeth and David Scull Metropolitan Public Service Award, its highest honor to an elected official.

Bowser has been a major proponent of COG priorities, including its regional work on housing.

"Mayor Bowser kicked off the year during her inaugural address by challenging city and regional leaders to think bigger and bolder about housing," said Loudoun County Board Chair Phyllis Randall, COG's Corporate Vice President, who presented Bowser with the award. "In proposing 36,000 new housing units in the District by 2025, she framed her ambitious goal as part of a larger regional effort. Her focus on housing has certainly elevated the issue."

Additionally, in previous years, she helped ensure the District provided its portion for the landmark Metrorail dedicated funding agreement and has joined her counterparts, the governors of Maryland and Virginia, in promoting metropolitan Washington to advance the region’s economic development.

The Scull Award is given to a local, state, or federal elected official, who demonstrates great leadership at the regional level. It is named after the late Montgomery County Councilmembers, who were strong supporters of COG and regional cooperation.

Fairfax County Economic Development Authority CEO Victor Hoskins and Alexandria Economic Development Partnership CEO Stephanie Landrum jointly received a Ronald F. Kirby Award for Collaborative Leadership.

With Landrum leading the effort in Alexandria and Hoskins then leading the effort in Arlington as the Director of Economic Development, their focus on regional collaboration was key in the successful effort to bring Amazon’s HQ2 to Northern Virginia. They have also helped lead the creation of the new Northern Virginia Economic Development Alliance, uniting 10 jurisdictions to engage more fully with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.

“Traditionally, our local jurisdictions have been fiercely competitive as we focused on persuading businesses to locate in our respective cities and counties, but that rivalry has changed in recent years thanks to collaborative leaders like Stephanie and Victor,” said COG Board member and City of Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson, who presented the award with COG Board Vice Chair and Arlington County Board Chair Christian Dorsey.

The Kirby Award recognizes non-elected government executives, who work collaboratively with elected officials, stakeholders, and their communities to shape a better region. The award is presented in the memory of Ron Kirby, COG’s Transportation Planning Director from 1987 to 2013.  

Fairfax County EDA CEO Victor Hoskins, Arlington County Board Chair and COG Vice Chair Christian Dorsey, Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership CEO Stephanie Landrum, and COG Executive Director Chuck Bean

Fairfax County EDA CEO Victor Hoskins, Arlington County Board Chair and COG Vice Chair Christian Dorsey, Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership CEO Stephanie Landrum, and COG Executive Director Chuck Bean

ULI-Washington and the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) each received a Regional Partnership Award.

ULI-Washington convenes thought leaders from across the region to advance best practices in land use planning, real estate, and transportation. ULI-Washington and COG have partnered to deliver technical assistance to help its local government members create vibrant and thriving communities in Activity Centers. Executive Director Liz Price and former Executive Director Lisa Rother accepted the award on behalf of ULI-Washington.

Prince George's County Council Member and COG Vice Chair Derrick Davis, Former ULI-Washington Executive Director Lisa Rother, ULI-Washington Executive Director Liz Price, and Chuck Bean.

Prince George's County Council Member and COG Vice Chair Derrick Davis, Former ULI-Washington Executive Director Lisa Rother, ULI-Washington Executive Director Liz Price, and Chuck Bean.

The Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) is a public-private coalition that provides education, programs, and advocacy to end alcohol-impaired driving and underage drinking in the region. WRAP has partnered with COG for the last 26 years on the region's How Safe are Our Roads Report, which tracks alcohol and drug-related traffic fatalities, arrests, crashes, and injuries. WRAP President Kurt Erickson accepted the award on behalf of the program.

MWAA Police Chief David Huchler, WRAP President Kurt Erickson, and Chuck Bean.

MWAA Police Chief David Huchler, WRAP President Kurt Erickson, and Chuck Bean.

The Partnership Award is presented to organizations or individuals who have worked with COG to improve the quality of life for area residents.

Contact: Laura Ambrosio
Phone: (202) 962-3278


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