News Highlight

Institute for Regional Excellence makes a difference in careers of local government employees

Jun 5, 2019
IRE Graduates

Institute for Regional Excellence (IRE) alumni Tabitha Kelley, Nicole McCall, and Matthew Arcieri

Nearly 400 mid- to senior-level managers from local governments have graduated from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ (COG) Institute for Regional Excellence (IRE) since the program launched in 2002.

The 12-month program, presented in partnership with the George Washington University, focuses on leadership and management training. It culminates in a Certified Public Manager’s designation, a nationally recognized accreditation for those pursuing careers in public service.

Although the program is praised for its highly-rated courses in budgeting and finance, resource management, strategic leadership, and decision-making, graduates of the program also value networking and getting to know their classmates—talented professionals committed to making a difference in their communities and in the region.

The next IRE cohort kicks off in October 2019. Learn more about the program through the experience of several alumni below, then apply by July 1.

Tabitha Kelley, Arlington County Social Services Director
IRE Cohort 13 (2015)

“I wanted to participate in IRE for many years, as I believe in lifelong learning. I was eager to spend concentrated time devoted to thinking and evolving as a leader. I had previously heard about the program, and that it would be a perfect opportunity for me to enhance my skills and network with other regional leaders.

My favorite part of the program was hearing the multiple perspectives of leaders from their different fields and growing a wider perspective over the course of time. The content of the program was excellent! I continue to use the materials and principles with staff within my organization today. 

When I entered the IRE program, I had my sights on a potential promotional opportunity. I was successful in obtaining that promotion and have enjoyed serving on several leadership committees, including my appointment as the Chair of COG’s Child Welfare Directors Committee. I will continue to use the skills learned in IRE, particularly, considering stakeholder input, the importance of obtaining buy-in and appealing to the heart and minds of those you are in service with and those you have the pleasure to serve.”

Nicole McCall, COG Transportation Planning Research and Assistance Manager
IRE Cohort 14 (2016)

“Before I applied for the program, I served as a sponsor for an IRE project focused on economic competitiveness. The IRE cohort was divided into teams assigned with developing an understanding of a policy issue and, based on that understanding, recommending informed regional actions to address it. As a sponsor, I provided orientation and guidance to the team through their final presentation. The passion the team applied to the project was absolutely infectious and compelled me to apply to the program.

Each month, a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) was invited to speak with my cohort over lunch. After being introduced by classmates who served the same jurisdiction, the CAOs discussed their career pathway, leadership style, and the importance of regionalism. We were able to ask all sorts of questions, obtain insight about their personalities, and learn about their approach to serving their jurisdiction and the larger region. It was fascinating!

At the thirty-thousand-foot level, interacting and getting to know committed leaders in a diversity of public service fields from across metropolitan Washington reaffirmed my commitment to regionalism. At a more practical level, the program helped to hone my ability to break complicated ideas into bite-sized messages.”

Matthew Arcieri, City of Manassas Planning and Zoning Manager
IRE Cohort 16 (2018)

“I was looking for a program that would broaden my experience as a manager and get me out of the office to develop new skills and learn more about the region.

I loved getting to meet and know my classmates working in local government. We are incredibly fortunate to have so many knowledgeable and talented professionals continuing to make the DC region a great place to live and work.

IRE has provided me with new tools and ideas that I am applying every day at work. I also have made some incredible friends and we continue to find time each month to get together or talk about work and life. They’re a great support network.”

MORE: Apply for the Institute for Regional Excellence 

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