News Release

Commuter Connections helps commuters during Metro shutdown

May 22, 2019

King Street Metro (Michael Tyznik/Flickr)

Commuter Connections is here to help Washington area commuters during the upcoming Metro summer shutdown. Commuters impacted by the shutdown of six Yellow and Blue line stations from May 25 until September 8, 2019 can access tools and resources offered by Commuter Connections to navigate potential ridesharing services and other alternatives to make getting to and from work easier during the shutdown.

“Commuters don’t have to go it alone for the 100-plus-day Metro shutdown,” said Nicholas Ramfos, Director of Commuter Connections, a regional network of transportation organizations coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. “Commuter Connections is the region’s free resource for commuting options. We are constantly looking for ways to improve mobility for commuters.”

For more than 40 years, Commuter Connections has harnessed technology to make it more convenient for commuters to share a ride with new programs, such as the CarpoolNow app, ‘Pool Rewards, and Flextime Rewards. Each of these incentive programs provide an opportunity for commuters to experience a reliable and affordable daily commute.

Here are some resources to consider during the Summer 2019 Metro shutdown:

Commuter Connections’ Rideshare Program is free, easy, and customizable.
Just sign up to be immediately connected to more than 20,000 fellow commuters and receive up-to-the-minute ridesharing information. Use your account to pinpoint the closest transit stop, park and ride, or telework center or identify carpools, vanpools, or bicycling options along your route. Access your free account via computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

The CarpoolNow app is only a download away.
Downloadable through an app store, the CarpoolNow app connects drivers with those seeking a ride. Users simply request or offer a ride, and the app connects them with another commuter going in the same direction—at no cost to the passenger or the driver. Drivers using the CarpoolNow app to pick up commuters for their carpool receive a $10 incentive payment per trip, up to $600 a year.

Get paid to rideshare with Pool Rewards.
Start or join a car or vanpool and get paid to commute with Pool Rewards. New carpoolers can earn up to $130 during a 90-day reporting period, while new vanpools are eligible for a recurring $200 monthly incentive.

Save time and get cash with Flextime Rewards.
Flextime Rewards members are automatically registered for a monthly cash payment when they adjust their commute to avoid heavier than usual traffic congestion. If the trip occurs on designated bottlenecks, commuters can earn $8 for each postponed trip, up to $600 per year.

Unexpected emergency? Don’t worry with Guaranteed Ride Home.  
Commuters who regularly (at least twice a week) carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, or take transit to work can sign-up for the Guaranteed Ride Home Program and get free and reliable rides home when one of life’s unexpected emergencies arise.



Contact: Laura Ambrosio
Phone: (202) 962-3278
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