News Release

Save some cash on commuting: Register for Bike to Work Day!

May 1, 2019

Bike to Work Day pitstop at Freedom Plaza in D.C. (DDOTDC/Flickr)

With gridlock, gasoline prices, and the expense of driving solo on the rise, Commuter Connection's and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) want  commuters in the region to know that they could be saving money, time, and getting fit, all while traveling to and from work by registering for Bike to Work Day, held on Friday, May 17. This event is a fun and effective way to cut down on traffic and save wear and tear on your vehicle.

“Commuter Connections is all about mobility options and delivering services to make a commuting change possible, simple, and free,” said Nicholas Ramfos, Commuter Connections Director. “Bike to Work Day is a great way to show commuters just how easy it is to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their daily commute.”

The D.C. area has one of the most expensive commutes in the country, according to Bloomberg News. Among metropolitan areas with at least ten large counties, D.C. area residents spent the most time commuting to and from work, making the annual Bike to Work Day event a great way to try a healthy, cost-effective alternative to driving to and from work alone.

“With the benefits of active commuting becoming clearer, we’re seeing more and more people choosing to bike to work every year,” said Greg Billing, WABA Executive Director. “People are looking for less expensive and healthier ways to commute and Bike to Work Day lets them try new options in a fun and community-wide celebration.”

Bike to Work Day participation has seen exponential growth in the region, since it went regional in 2001 with just a few hundred participants and five pit stops. Registration for this year’s event is expected to hit at least 20,000 participants with over 115 pit stop locations throughout the region, where participants can receive a free T-shirt, refreshments, and win prizes.

Visit for free registration and helpful resources. Follow this year’s event on Twitter via Commuter Connections @BikeToWorkDay, and using #BTWD2019.

Contact: Laura Ambrosio
Phone: (202) 962-3278
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