News Highlight

Heart of COG: Nicholas Ramfos

Nov 7, 2018

As COG Transportation Operations Programs Director, Nicholas Ramfos helps commuters across the region find the best travel options to get to work and manages a range of programs that assist the region in meeting the demands on its transportation system. From bicycling to carpooling, Ramfos shares information about alternatives to drive-alone commuting to help make the region’s roads less congested and air less polluted.

Ramfos joined COG in 1996 to help build up the newly named Commuter Connections program, which is a regional network of transportation organizations. Previously, he worked on similar programs for metropolitan planning organizations in San Diego, Chicago, and Detroit. He first became interested in commuter services and transportation after working with a client at a public relations firm in Detroit, who was promoting ridesharing.

He applies his previous experience and bachelor’s degree from Purdue University in Political Science and Public Relations to his work at COG by communicating with the public, members, and partners.

“First and foremost, my responsibility is the delivery of information to our stakeholders, so that anyone who lives or works here knows all their commuting options,” said Ramfos.

Here are a few highlights of his recent work:

He improved the Commuter Connections program to change the way people commute

“Over my 22 plus years with COG, we have seen technology play a major role in changing how people get around,” said Ramfos. “For example, people used to have to call in to provide their location, and now they can find a ride by using the Commuter Connections app on their phone.”

Ramfos also helped launch the Commuter Connections CarpoolNow mobile app, which gives commuters in the metropolitan Washington region the ability to carpool on-demand and in real-time, immediately connecting users who are offering a ride with those seeking a ride.

Another change Ramfos has led is the move toward providing more incentives for commuters who carpool or participate in other alternative commuting options. For example, recently, he helped initiate Flextime Rewards, a program that offers suggested travel times and provides an incentive for commuters who avoid driving during peak congestion periods on four bottlenecked routes.

“We want to make the decision to carpool, to try different modes of transportation, or even to adjust commuting schedules an easy one based on saving time and money,” said Ramfos. “Our goal is to keep people moving.”

He helped get the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission off the ground

Working closely with the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Ramfos is helping establish the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC), so that it can begin to oversee safety of the Metrorail system.

“We really started from scratch,” said Ramfos. “COG was involved through the whole process from hiring staff to negotiating office space.”

Recently, the WMSC submitted an application to the FTA to certify its State Safety Oversight Program, which was a major step toward a safer system, said Ramfos. With a renewed focus on safety, Ramfos believes that more riders will use the Metrorail system, which will also help get people off the road.

He manages grants that help older adults and persons with disabilities get around

Ramfos oversees the operations of the federal Enhanced Mobility program for COG that provides funding to help improve transportation access for people with disabilities and older adults.  

Since 2007, the Transportation Planning Board at COG awarded more than $40 million, including matching dollars, in federal funds to more than 100 projects. These projects have provided travel training, new buses and vans, wheelchair accessible vehicles, drivers, bus and sidewalk improvements, and more – to make it easier for the elderly, low-income workers, and individuals with disabilities to get around.

“I enjoy the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects with real impact that help improve mobility for everyone in the region. I also love a good challenge, which is why I think I have been with COG for so long,” said Ramfos.

Contact: Laura Ambrosio
Phone: (202) 962-3278
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