News Release

Report reveals wide differences in health opportunities among metropolitan Washington neighborhoods

Oct 26, 2018

A new study found that life expectancy across the metropolitan Washington region varies by as much as 27 years and health can differ drastically within a single county, from neighborhood to neighborhood. Due to be presented later this morning at a meeting of area leaders, the report analyzed extensive data across the region’s 1,223 census tracts.

The report – Uneven Opportunities: How Conditions for Wellness Vary Across the Metropolitan Washington Region – aims to better understand health status and health disparities across the region. Produced by the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center on Society and Health for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) Health Officials Committee, the study examines the health of the community at the census tract level, focusing on life expectancy and the factors that shape health.

Overall, findings show that health in metropolitan Washington is shaped less by health care than by factors like income, education, housing, transportation, and the environment. In addition, people of color and immigrants were more likely to live in neighborhoods with fewer resources (“islands of disadvantage” as referred to in the report), which lack the conditions for good health.

Committee member, Alexandria Health District Director, Dr. Stephen Haering said, “The Health Officials Committee hopes community members, government agencies, health care providers, and policy makers will use this study to identify the health disparities in their jurisdictions, and develop policies and strategies to address these disparities. We in Public Health are here to help our partners in our localities interpret the results and work toward meaningful solutions.”

The data and conclusions in the report were generated independently by researchers at VCU, who used a tool called the Metropolitan Washington Healthy Places Index. The index combines community characteristics into a single indexed score, produced at the neighborhood level.

The study examined 10 geographic areas: the District of Columbia; Maryland (Charles County, Frederick County, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County); and Virginia (City of Alexandria, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, and Prince William County). Data included 66 indicators in six “domains:” education, economic and other household resources (e.g., food access), housing, transportation, air and water, and the social environment.

The report was commissioned by the COG Health Officials Committee to advance dialogue and action to help ensure healthy communities for all area residents. The health officials will be sharing the report in their communities and among policymakers and government officials in different disciplines. They also plan to promote the report with businesses, nonprofits, and philanthropies to foster a multi-sector approach focused on increasing health opportunities for all residents. 

As a first step, the report will be presented at today’s COG Region Forward Coalition meeting at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health. The coalition brings together elected officials and representatives of the business, nonprofit, and philanthropic communities.

The report was funded through the support of Kaiser Permanente, Northern Virginia Health Foundation, Potomac Health Foundation, and Healthcare Initiative Foundation.

Report - VCU’s Uneven Opportunities: How Conditions for Wellness Vary Across the Metropolitan Washington Region 
Memo - COG’s Health Directors Committee Memo: Strategies to improve health opportunities region-wide 

Contact: Steve Kania
Phone: (202) 962-3249
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