News Highlight

Region's first responders head to Israel for special training

Jul 31, 2018

(Advanced Security Training Institute)

As conflicts in Israel persist, its public safety professionals must respond to these events as expediently and effectively as possible. Recognizing Israel’s expertise responding to evolving threats, public safety members of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) decided to travel there and learn firsthand from subject matter experts in the fields of counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, and emergency management.

Through funding provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, COG facilitated the procurement process and managed the project to send 25 first responders from around the region to Israel for training. Following the process used for a similar training conducted several years ago, area Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, and Emergency Managers selected this group of future leaders to participate in the training.

COG worked closely with Advanced Security Training Institute (ASTI) to design and develop a training specifically for the region’s first responders that would help them be better prepared for emergencies, such as hostage situations, terrorist attacks, and arson, among others. Through ASTI’s unique style of training, participants became immersed in detection, prevention, response, and recovery tactics and techniques at locations across Israel, including the Ben Gurion Airport, historical sites, locations of recent terror incidents, and public safety institutions.

Since their return, participants have shared lessons learned and best practices with their colleagues and are further examining the potential for implementing new techniques in the local public safety departments in the region. COG is working together with the participants to collect the observations on behalf of the region and will report back to the jurisdictions for future reference.

Anthony Rosano is a senior planner in the Department of Homeland Security and Public Safety at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

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