News Release

Transportation Planning Board approves funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland

Jul 16, 2018

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) approved more than $1.2 million in funding for four bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The TAP program provides funding to transportation projects other than traditional highway construction, including bicycle, pedestrian, trail, and Safe Routes to School projects.

The TPB approved the following projects, totaling $1,217,150:

  • Expand Capital Bikeshare in Prince George’s County – $222,841
  • Develop a sidewalk along Forest Glen Road to connect to the Forest Glen Metro station in Montgomery County – $248,000
  • Design a trail to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists along US 40 (Golden Mile) in the City of Frederick – $686,309
  • Study the feasibility of developing a path along Scott Drive and Veirs Drive in the City of Rockville – $60,000

The projects were selected in part based on how well they advance regional priorities, such as improving accessibility for communities with high concentrations of low-income and/or minority populations and people with disabilities, and for enhancing walkability to schools and transit.

“The Transportation Alternatives Program offers the region the ability to fund small projects that make it easier for people to leave their car at home,” said John Swanson, COG Transportation Planner. “We know that little things – building sidewalks, extending trails, and expanding bikeshare – can really make a big difference in whether people walk or bike in the region.”

The TPB works with the Maryland State Highway Administration to administer the funding for the projects. The projects will be submitted to the Maryland Department of Transportation for inclusion in its Capital Improvement Program.

The TPB approved funding for TAP projects in Virginia in April and will vote on funding for TAP projects in the District of Columbia in the fall.

MORE: View the TPB meeting page more information on the TAP projects.

Contact: Laura Ambrosio
Phone: (202) 962-3278
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