News Release

Commuter Connections honors employers for commitment to better commutes

Jun 26, 2018

Three area employers took top honors at the 21st annual Employer Recognition Awards, hosted today by Commuter Connections, a program of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. The event was held at the National Press Club.

The American Pharmacists Association (District of Columbia), The Donohoe Companies (Bethesda, Maryland), and IQ Solutions (Rockville, Maryland) were recognized for promoting innovative and sustainable alternative commute programs that help reduce traffic congestion, personal expenses, and fuel consumption, and improve quality of life for employees and the region. The awards were given in three categories – marketing, incentives, and telework.

“By providing a myriad of commuter benefits, businesses play an integral role in guiding employee travel behavior, which helps yield productive and motivated employees,” said Charles Allen, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Chairman. “The employers we honored today have implemented innovative and successful commuter benefits programs at the workplace, and we hope that through their example other employers will embrace similar practices. Commuter Connections and its network partners assist employers in developing and expanding such programs.”

Together, the three employers facilitated a total reduction of 1,300,960 in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the region, and collectively saved a total of 65,706 gallons of gasoline of per year.

“Employers who support commuter mobility programs such as ridesharing, bicycling, public transit, and teleworking help create a better quality of life for their employees,” said Janiece S. Timmons, Commuter Connections Subcommittee Chairperson. “These programs help employers attract the best and brightest workforce, which lends to a positive bottom line.”

“We are pleased to recognize these employers for their dedication to promoting alternative commuting,” said Nicholas Ramfos, Commuter Connections Director. “For the past two decades, the Employer Recognition Awards have honored employers who are taking the lead in offering commute options that foster improved quality of life for both employees and communities through programs that reduce drive-alone commuting.”

Incentives Award

American Pharmacists Association (APhA), District of Columbia, offers an employee commuter benefits program to encourage the use of mass transit. Full-time employees receive a flat subsidy up to $100 per month to access public transportation, and part-time employees receive up to $50 per month. APhA provides on-site bike racks, showers, and lockers to encourage bicycling to work, and a Capital Bikeshare station is also located alongside the property. APhA provides laptops to all employees for use within the office or remotely. Those interested in teleworking must enter into a formal agreement and complete training. APhA also offers employees flextime, compressed work schedules, and summer hours. APhA notifies employees of air quality alerts on days where air quality is poor so that they may make alternative work schedule arrangements accordingly. APhA's commuter program has helped employees reduce 512,080 vehicle miles traveled per year and save 25,863 gallons of gas annually.

Marketing Award

The Donohoe Companies, Bethesda, Maryland, began its commuter benefits program in 2016 to inform employees about alternative transportation options as they moved their corporate headquarters to downtown Bethesda. The firm’s new location is just three blocks from the Bethesda Metro station and Ride On bus service. Donohoe’s human resources team stays active in area commuter and employer groups, attending meetings, panels, and workshops to learn about new commuter-related initiatives and identify new projects, and updates the company’s program to meet their employee’s commuting needs. Donohoe also engages supervisors to promote this information with their teams, and provides incentives for employee participation. Donohoe also communicates its commuter program benefits and transportation-related news in a bi-weekly company e-newsletter as well as flyers posted throughout the office and job sites. A TransitScreen in the lobby provides real-time transit information, such as bus and train times. Special events such as Bike to Work Day and the Walk & Ride Challenge are part of the wellness program to encourage employees to bike and walk to work. The Donohoe Companies’ commuter program has helped employees reduce 166,080 vehicle miles traveled per year and save 8,388 gallons of gas annually.

Telework Award

IQ Solutions, Rockville, Maryland, began a telework program in 2012 that allows employees a four-day telework week and Flextime incentives. IQ Solutions sets aside private and hoteling offices for teleworking employees to use when at the office. In addition, the company provides a one-time stipend of $125 to be used for the purchase of supplemental hardware along with a $45 monthly allowance for internet and other remote work needs. Full-time employees who use public transit are provided with $125 a month, and part-time employees receive $75 monthly. The North Bethesda headquarters was selected to minimize the need for driving on days when employees are at the office because it is within walking distance to many Metrorail stations and bike paths. Bicyclists and walkers enjoy access to bike racks, lockers, and showers. The telework program has helped IQ Solutions achieve an annual turnover rate of just 10 percent and allowed for the consolidation of office space from four floors to two. IQ Solutions’ telework program has helped employees reduce 622,800 vehicle miles traveled per year and save 31,455 gallons of gas.

Commuter Connections partners with local employers to promote, educate, and formulate transportation solutions that help reduce gasoline consumption, improve traffic mobility, and direct initiatives to improve the region’s quality of life. With free assistance from Commuter Connections, employers can provide a variety of commuter options from transit subsidies and pre-tax benefits, to telework and ridesharing programs. 

MORE: Employer Recognition Awards Program

Contact: Megan Goodman
Phone: (202) 962-3209
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