News Release

Pedal to help metropolitan Washington win 'Nation's Fittest Region'

May 7, 2018

Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) are calling on all commuters to help the region win back the title of America’s fittest metropolitan area by registering for Bike to Work Day, held on Friday, May 18. This free event introduces bicycling to commuters looking to make a positive change for their health and the environment.

The 2017 American College of Sports Medicine’s (ASCM) American Fitness Index ranked metropolitan Washington as the second fittest region in the nation using various fitness factors—including the percentage of the population bicycling or using alternative methods of commuting.

“Commuter Connections is committed to helping commuters find healthier and better ways to get to work,” said Nicholas Ramfos, Commuter Connections Director. “Each year the message of Bike to Work Day reaches more commuters. Bicycling can improve your health, keep you active, and reduce your carbon footprint, all while saving you thousands of dollars at the gas pump.”

Bike to Work Day is a great way to potentially boost the region’s performance on the fitness index. A Bike to Work Day survey found that 14 percent of participants were taking part in the event as first time cyclists, and 28 percent of regular cyclists increased their bicycling to approximately three days per week after the annual event.

“The popularity of bicycling continues to grow every year in the Washington metropolitan area,” said Greg Billing, Executive Director of WABA. “People are changing the way they look at commuting and we’re confident that this shift will help the region be the best community in the country for biking.”

Bike to Work Day participation in the region has seen significant growth since its inception in 2002, when there were just 2,500 participants and 11 pit stops. Registration for this year’s event is on track to break 20,000 participants with 100 pit stop locations throughout the region.

Visit today, the one-stop-shop for free registration, helpful resources, a free event T-shirt for the first 20,000 registrants who attend, and a chance to win great prizes.

Follow this year’s events on Twitter @BikeToWorkDay, and use #BTWD2018 and #BTWDdc to join the conversation.

Contact: Megan Goodman
Phone: (202) 962-3209
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