TPB News

Play the Transportation/Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program mapping game!

Mar 5, 2018

The Transportation/Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program supports planning for vibrant and accessible communities. The TPB created the TLC program in 2006 to assist local jurisdictions in identifying ways to help make the region’s transportation system and the built environment support one another more effectively.

The TLC program has provided technical assistance for more than 100 projects around the Washington region. To make it easier to learn about them, we’ve developed a mapping tool to explore the diversity and breadth of projects throughout the region.

Don’t see your jurisdiction on the map?  Does your jurisdiction have a project idea? Go ahead submit an application - Applications are due April 2!

TLC provides short-term technical assistance in planning and design for local projects. These projects support policy goals in the Regional Transportation Priorities Plan and Region Forward. The project types include transit station accessibility, mixed-use and transit-oriented development opportunities, pedestrian and bicycle planning, and streetscape design and corridor planning.

Dive into the interactive map!

These projects are spread throughout the region from a new Bikeshare program in Reston, safer streets in Takoma Park, new bike lanes in College Park, affordable and transit accessible housing in the District, and many, many, more. To showcase these projects TPB staff created an interactive mapping tool.

Each colored point or line on the map represents a different kind of TLC project. Explore project types and locations you’re interested in by clicking directly on them; you’ll learn key information including the project name, type, year, description, amount of funding awarded, and more. The larger points represent jurisdiction-wide projects, while the smaller ones represent specific project locations. The lines on the map show trails, streetscapes, or other corridor-type projects.

What projects can you find where you live? What about where you work? Can you find trails you’ve biked or streets you’ve walked along? See how many projects you’ve visited, perhaps without even realizing it! How many different types of projects can you explore? Try your hand at the TLC map game!

Each of these dots on the map are small projects compared to other transportation projects, but those projects can make a big impact for the region. Right now, the TPB is soliciting project proposals for its next round of technical assistance. Will your ideas be the next dot on the map?

If your jurisdiction is interested in creating vibrant, walkable communities, apply by April 2!


TLC Program
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