TPB News

A brief recap of the Nov. TPB meeting

Nov 21, 2017


At its November 15 meeting, the TPB received a long briefing on the results of a study of the initiatives recommended by its Long-Range Plan Task Force. The board also approved the region’s designated Critical Urban Freight Corridors.


MORE: Get the full presentation of the Long-Range Plan Task Force study

TPB actions at the November 15 meeting

Approved the region’s Critical Urban Freight Corridors. Federal law allows metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) like the TPB to identify segments of the region’s roadways that are important for moving freight. TPB staff worked with Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to identify these road segments. Learn more.

Approved updates to the Transportation Improvement Program for the District of Columbia. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies most of the major transportation projects and programs that local, state, and regional agencies have identified and committed funding over the next six years. The District requested that some projects be added to the FY 2017-2022 TIP. These current updates are mostly administrative. Learn more.

Other highlights

In her remarks, Chairman Bridget Newton announced that as her term as TPB chairman comes to an end in December, she will convene a nominating committee to choose officers for 2018. Listen to the chairman’s remarks.

Citizens Advisory Committee Chairman Jeremy Martin reported on the November CAC meeting. The CAC received briefings on the latest cooperative land-use forecasts that look at how the region is expected to grow. It also heard about the most recent Commuter Connections research on the State of the Commute. Finally, Martin thanked the board for responding to the CAC’s request to look at the schedule to provide the CAC a chance to weigh in as a group on the Long-Range Plan Task Force’s initiatives it would like the TPB to consider endorsing. He said a special meeting was planned so the committee could be briefed on the analysis results and discuss its preferences. Listen to Martin's report.

During the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting, two commenters spoke about Metro funding and the Long-Range Plan Task Force study results. Bob Chase of the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance noted that Metro needs dedicated funding and asked that the region pay more for the system. Stewart Schwartz of the Coalition for Smarter growth spoke about the results of the Long-Range Plan Task Force study noting how well initiatives focused on land-use would help the region address its challenges. Listen to the comments.

Get the full audio and all the materials from the November 15 TPB meeting.

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