
The final week to share your thoughts for Visualize 2045

Aug 15, 2017

The final week to share your thoughts

A couple weeks ago we extended the deadline for the Visualize 2045 public input survey to Monday, August 21. If you haven’t already shared your thoughts with us, please do! We want to know how you get around, what issues affect your travel, and what ideas you have for improving our transportation system.

We’ll be sharing this information with our board members and the public in the coming months, and including it in the final Visualize 2045 plan next year. Your input will help shape a regional conversation among elected officials and transportation planners as they make decisions about the region’s transportation future.

Take or share the Visualize 2045 survey now!



How we've been using the extra time

Extending the survey deadline by a few weeks has given us a chance to attend more events and engage more community groups to make sure we’re hearing from as diverse a group of people as possible.

On August 1, we attended two National Night Out events in DC—one in Northeast DC and one in Southwest DC. We recently engaged with folks at So Others Might Eat and Bridges to Independence, two non-profit groups serving individuals and families with low incomes. We attended classes at the Washington English Center to talk with people who are learning English. And we conducted a live-surveying event in Loudoun County and have one planned in Charles County this week.



Preliminary findings coming in September

After the survey wraps up next week, we’ll be tabulating and analyzing the results and preparing preliminary findings to share with the board, our committee members, and with you in September. So, keep an eye out. And we’ll continue analyzing the results into the fall to see what other insights we can gain from the input we’ve received.

The next big milestone: Call for Projects

The Visualize 2045 effort will only pick up steam from here. The next big milestone also comes in September, when the TPB will review a draft Call for Projects for the Constrained Element of the plan.

The Constrained Element is what used to be called the CLRP. It will identify all of the regionally significant projects that area transportation agencies expect to be able to afford between now and 2045. We’ll analyze that list of projects to make sure it supports regional air quality goals and to help us visualize how the planned system will perform in 2045.

Stay connected

Learn about key public input opportunities, decision points, and new data and analysis as it becomes available. Sign up for email updates and follow #VIZ2045 on Twitter.


Visualize 2045 is being developed by the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for metropolitan Washington. The TPB is housed at and staffed by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).


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