Visualize 2045

Visualize 2045 survey deadline extended to Aug. 21!

Jul 31, 2017

Survey deadline extended to Aug. 21!

We’re still gathering so much great input for Visualize 2045 that we’ve extended the deadline to Monday, August 21. With the extra time, we’ll be attending more events and engaging more community groups to make sure we’re hearing from as diverse a group of people as possible.

And we’re hoping you’ll take the extra time to continue spreading the word about the survey! Are there people or groups you know who would still like to weigh in? Send them a note and let them know. Include a reminder in your next newsletter. Or post about the survey again on social media!

Take or share the Visualize 2045 survey now!


3,700 people have weighed in so far

We’ve had a great response to the Visualize 2045 survey so far, with more than 3,700 people sharing their thoughts and opinions. We’ve been at farmers markets, street festivals, lunchtime food trucks, and Metro stations all around the region getting the word out about the survey and encouraging folks to participate. And you’ve helped us, too—so, thanks!

A few more outreach events are coming up

As we mentioned, our outreach isn’t done yet. We’ll be going to Loudoun and Charles counties in the next couple of weeks. And we'll be out in DC this Tuesday night for National Night Out. Since our last email, we've been to Rockville and Arlington CountyGet the full list of events.



Get more photos and highlights from our latest survey events

Our analysis of survey results will begin soon

Once the survey closes on August 21, we'll start tabulating and analyzing results. We plan to share some preliminary findings with our board and committee members in September. We’ll also share them with you right here, so keep an eye out! Sign up for Visualize 2045 email updates.

Stay connected

Learn about key public input opportunities, decision points, and new data and analysis as it becomes available. Sign up for email updates and follow #VIZ2045 on Twitter.


Visualize 2045 is being developed by the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for metropolitan Washington. The TPB is housed at and staffed by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).


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