Visualize 2045

Two weeks left! Now is the time to share the Visualize 2045 survey.

Jul 18, 2017

Now is the time to share!

If you haven't already shared the Visualize 2045 survey link with your friends, colleagues, family, and professional and personal networks, now is the time to do it. And if you have shared it already, share it again!

The Visualize 2045 survey closes July 31, a little less than two weeks from now. Help us gather input from as broad and diverse a group of people as possible. Post about Visualize 2045 on social media, in your next newsletter, or on your community listserv. It just takes a minute!


"I felt like it was my civic duty..."

This week we talked to an 87-year-old military veteran living in DC who was one of several thousand randomly selected individuals to receive the Visualize 2045 survey by mail. He was eager to complete the survey, which he did over the phone because he doesn't have easy internet access. 

"I'm not counting on being around in 2045," he said, wryly. "But I felt like it was my civic duty to share my thoughts and whatever wisdom I've gained in my 87 years for future generations."

If that doesn't inspire you to take the Visualize 2045 survey, we don't know what will. Take 10 minutes now to share your thoughts and input. Regional leaders and planners will thank you! Take the survey.

The Visualize 2045 roadshow continues!

We've now taken the Visualize 2045 survey on the road to more than a dozen community events throughout the region. More than 500 people have taken the survey on our survey teams' tablet computers!

Since our last update, we've added Silver Spring, Mosaic District, Dale City, Langley Park, and Rockville to the list. We'll be in Ballston this Thursday and are still planning events in Charles, Arlington, and Loudoun counties. Get the full list.

Stay connected

Learn about key public input opportunities, decision points, and new data and analysis as it becomes available. Sign up for email updates and follow #VIZ2045 on Twitter.


Visualize 2045 is being developed by the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for metropolitan Washington. The TPB is housed at and staffed by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).


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