TPB News

Freight corridors, a special birthday, and more coming up at the June 21 TPB meeting

Jun 13, 2017

At its meeting on June 21, the TPB will be briefed on progress in identifying Critical Urban Freight Corridors for the National Capital Region. (mariano-mantel/Flickr)

The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, June 21. The official agenda and all meeting materials will be posted on the Thursday before the meeting. Here’s a quick preview of what’s coming up:

Identifying Critical Urban Freight Corridors. Federal law enables metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) like the TPB to identify corridors that are important for moving freight through the region, in part to aid in the process of awarding federal freight funding. The board will be briefed on the federal regulations and the progress in identifying Critical Urban Freight Corridors for the National Capital Region.

Approving Transit Asset Management targets. The regional targets are required under changes made to federal transportation law in 2015. They set acceptable limits for the age and condition of transit fleets and facilities throughout the region. The board reviewed draft targets earlier this year and will be asked to give final approval at this month’s meeting.

Celebrating VRE’s 25th Birthday. Virginia Railway Express (VRE), the commuter rail system in Northern Virginia, began operations on June 22, 1992. To celebrate the agency's 25th birthday, the board will hear about the railway’s achievements over the last quarter-decade as well as plans and projects that will continue to support VRE into the future.

Getting updates on public participation for the 2018 Long-Range Plan. As part of the development of the long-range plan, the TPB will be conducting a public outreach survey to “take the pulse” of the region’s residents and what they think about transportation. The board will be briefed on the first few weeks of planned survey outreach.

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