News Highlight

Daniel Sze: Everyone wins when we work together for clean water

Apr 20, 2017
Chesapeake Bay

Chesapeake Bay (Chesapeake Bay Program/flickr)

Regional Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts are making metropolitan Washington a better place to live, work, and play, according to COG’s Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Committee (CBPC) Chairman Daniel Sze.

In an April Washington Post local opinion piece, Sze, a City of Falls Church Council Member, noted that:

“The Bay is only as healthy as the waterways that flow into it, so restoration work also includes investments by local governments, water utilities, companies and residents. Wastewater treatment plants, including Alexandria Renew Enterprises, have been upgraded and are pioneering methods of energy recovery, wastewater byproduct recycling and innovative financing. DC Water uses 'green' century bonds to help finance its Clean Rivers Project, including building enormous tunnels that capture stormwater and wastewater for treatment.”

MORE: Daniel Sze: The Whole Region Wins When We Improve the Chesapeake Bay (Washington Post)

Sze asked for local governments, water utilities, and the federal government to continue to “do their part” to ensure the health of the Bay watershed, and work together for clean water.  

At its March meeting, the CBPC discussed the Budget Blueprint of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and its potential cuts for EPA and the Chesapeake Bay Program. Members discussed the implications the proposed measures would have for metropolitan Washington, including jobs and the economy as well as local governments' continuing permit requirements. The members expressed a desire for the committee to advocate for continued Chesapeake Bay Program support.

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