TPB News

Chairman Newton visited the TPB's Citizen Advisory Committee

Mar 21, 2017

TPB Chairman Bridget Newton visited the Citizens Advisory Committee on March 8 (TPB) TPB Chairman Bridget Newton visited the Citizens Advisory Committee on March 8 (TPB)

TPB Chairman Bridget Newton paid a special visit to the TPB’s Citizen Advisory Committee meeting on March 8. She thanked committee members for their service and talked about how important public involvement is in the regional transportation planning process.

Committee members expressed their strong, continuing desire to see the TPB engage the public in the work of the board’s Long-Range Plan Task Force. Under Newton’s leadership, the Task Force is working to identify transportation priorities above and beyond what is included in the region’s Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP). Newton explained that the board is interested in hearing from the CAC, whether they participate in the task force itself, or send letters or emails or communicate in some other way.

The TPB established its Citizens Advisory Committee more than 20 years ago. The committee’s two main charges are to promote public involvement in transportation planning for the region and to provide independent, region-oriented citizen advice to the TPB on transportation plans and issues.

More: Who’s on the 2017 CAC? Find out here.


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