The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, November 16. The main action at the meeting will be a final series of votes to amend the region’s Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) and approve a two-year update of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)—both of which are core TPB responsibilities under federal metropolitan planning regulations.
- Review of comments received on the draft 2016 CLRP Amendment, FY 2017-2022 TIP, and air quality conformity analysis. Staff will summarize the comments received during a 30-day comment period that ended November 12. The board will be asked to accept a set of official “responses” to the comments that explain how the issues raised are being or will be addressed. In some cases, the responses will direct commenters to other appropriate avenues to share their input.
- Approval of the results of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the 2016 CLRP Amendment. The federally required analysis forecasts future vehicle-related emissions of certain smog-forming pollutants under the plan and demonstrates that emissions of those pollutants will remain below approved regional limits.
- Adoption of the 2016 CLRP Amendment and FY 2017-2022 TIP. Five major new projects are being added to the CLRP this year:
- I-395 Express Lanes (VA)
- VRE Haymarket Extension (VA)
- Crystal City Transitway: Northern Extension (VA)
- 16th Street Bus Priority Project (DC)
- DC Dedicated Bicycle Lane Network (DC)
At its meeting, the TPB will vote on the entire 2016 CLRP Amendment, including these major new projects, changes to a few major projects already in the plan, and a number of smaller projects. As a separate action, it will also vote on a two-year update to the region’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which identifies amounts and sources of funding for projects programmed for planning and/or construction through 2022.
The TPB will also vote to endorse a certification that the region’s metropolitan transportation planning process is being carried out in accordance with all applicable metropolitan planning requirements. It will also be updated on the work of a COG technical panel studying Metro safety and funding and a TPB task force charged with developing a new “unconstrained” element of the region’s long-range plan in conjunction with the next major four-year CLRP update in 2018.
Get the official agenda with links to all meeting materials beginning Thursday, November 10
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